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ive officially overcome the highest amount of chapters in one of my books ever

ive officially overcome the highest amount of chapters in one of my books ever

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It hadn't been long since Mr. Park left his daughter sitting on the bench outside of the court room.

Soomin closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the wall to try to calm herself down. She was feeling too many things at once, and she definitely had to sort herself out before coming back into that court room.

"I need water." She muttered to herself in determination, immediately standing up. Scanning through her memory reminded her that there was a water dispenser near the entrance of the hallway, therefore she decided to make her way there.

As she walked on down the hallway, everything suddenly became more ushered. There were no people around, the light was more dim in the absence of windows and Soomin just felt out of place. It felt too much like a calm before the storm moment.

And she wasn't that far off.

Walking on, knowing that she was almost at the water dispenser, the girl suddenly came to a stop as she heard voices coming from the corner right in front of her. It wasn't the fact that there were people talking that made her halt, no, it was because she recognized those voices a bit too well.

"You're amazing at your job. Our law firm would appreciate such a talent like you among us." She listened in to the clear voice of Mr. Kang, forcing her to urge closer to be able to hear better.

"Right, what he said." Soomin then heard the cocky tone of her father, making her cringe. "You know that this guy that hired you is a lost cause. You won't be able to win this, and it will ruin your future as a lawyer. And that would be such a shame, wouldn't it?"

The girl was absolutely astounded by what she was listening to. She'd never heard her father speak this way, and never expected her father to plan something so heinous.

"I appreciate your concern Mr. Park, but this is my duty. My client may be difficult, but that comes with the job."

"Oh, come on Mr. Kim." Her father's voice sounded once again. "Yes, I'm sure that we're asking a lot of you, but I assure you, it's for a great cause. My daughter has suffered greatly because of that man, and I'd love for you to cooperate with us on this." 

There was a small moment of silence before a quiet shuffle could be heard and Soomin managed to catch a small gasp.

"What the hell?"
"This is the least I could do when coming to you for help. I assure you that more payment will be put into your bank account if you do as I say."

Soomin's eyes completely widened. It was money. Her father was bribing him.

Mr. Kim was obviously hesitating at the offer, the word 'money' always working magic on every young person with a dream.

Mr. Park laughed light heartedly. "I'm sure that the money will help you put your beautiful daughter through college. Misun, her name was?"

It was over. He had attacked his weak point.

Mr. Kim inhaled a long, sharp breath before looking up at the two men before him. "I'll do it."

"Amazing! After this, let's meet to discuss further terms. I have a feeling that this won't be the last trial that we'll be attending as opposition. It's great to know that you're on my side though." Mr. Park spoke in a cheerful voice.

And Soomin took that as her cue to silently slip away, marching back with a deadly look on her face. 


Her feet were constantly on the move as she walked laps around her room. The girl must've done it for a long time now, as the sun had already set behind the horizon and night was about to fall.

Soomin couldn't believe what she had witnessed. Her father had played completely dirty, and it was showing, because Mr. Kim barely spoke after the break. He didn't contradict any of Mr. Kang's accusation, and made sloppy points in Donghyuck's defense. At that rate all of those locked up would be imprisoned without much discussion. Thank god that a final verdict was not made at that hearing.

But Soomin was still nervous. Now with Mr. Kim on his side, there was nothing stopping her father from completely crushing Donghyuck.

'No. I will never let that happen.'
She declared in determination, but admittedly, she had no idea what to do.

Her feet continued dragging across the room, her teeth picking at the dry skin of her nails, tearing it so repeatedly that she began shedding blood.

That's when, after an eternity, she got an idea.

Soomin immediately ran over to her bookcase, rummaging through countless of books before taking out one. She opened up the first page, revealing that the book was actually hollow with a small safe box inside of it. Soomin rummaged through her pocket, taking out a tiny key to unlock it.

As soon as the door opened, it revealed the object inside of it: an ancient gray Nokia. It was a burner phone, unable to be tracked or discovered on the net. Taeyong had gifted it to her, and it was the only way for them to communicate.

Soomin looked around cautiously, listening in to whether there were footsteps outside of her door before she turned on the Nokia. It shone brightly, and barely took seconds to unlock. The girl immediately headed to her message app, revealing the only number that had been saved on the phone.


Fire your lawyer immediately
It's urgent.

He's the best I could find.

I know
But he's been bribed. He will no longer defend Donghyuck or anyone else in court, and is basically going to let them get the maximum sentence.

What the fuck
What the fuck do I do?
The next trial has been scheduled for next week, how will I find anyone else in that time?
It was already risky enough getting the first lawyer and now...

Don't worry
I got an idea

What is it?

But Soomin had already switched to a different app, hurriedly typing a number displayed on her smartphone. In a matter of seconds, she had the Nokia up to her ear, biting her lip in anxiety as the phone rung.

After a short while, a voice could finally be heard.

"Hey. I need your help."

who did she call? :o

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who did she call? :o

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