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The two held intense eye contact, Donghyuck digging literal daggers into hers, while she was more on the shocked and defensive side

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The two held intense eye contact, Donghyuck digging literal daggers into hers, while she was more on the shocked and defensive side. He panted lightly as his finger clenched around the trigger of the handgun, dangerously close to pressing it and ending this girl's entire existence.

And as the tension could have been cut with a knife, it all evaporated in a second as Soomin pursed her lips together, wheezing nevertheless. Her brown eyes squirmed in amusement as she watched as Donghyuck slowly began getting confused.

"Oohh, kinky I see. Can't say I don't like it." She exclaimed in the most cringe worthy seductive voice she could, sending the boy a short wink.

Donghyuck scoffed loudly, lowering his weapon as well as unwrapping his hand from around her neck. That allowed Soomin to take a deep breath before she bursted out into a short fit of laughter.

"Sorry, sorry, after watching 365 days, I can't help but find this quite hilarious." She explained after finishing.

"You actually watched that shit movie?" Donghyuck asked quietly, the judgement clear in his voice.

"Yeah. All the way through." Soomin smiled teasingly, as if she was proud of that. "Anyways, come on, try again. This time I'll try to be scared."

"Forget it." Donghyuck sighed, fitting the handgun back into his jeans.

"Awe. We were just getting the vibe though." The girl pouted her lips in disappointment.

Donghyuck scanned her once more before turning and beginning to walk out the door.

"Hey, Hyuck, wait!" Soomin exclaimed, forcing him to come to a stop.

The boy sighed annoyed. "What now?" He asked, turning his head to look at her.

Then, he witnessed as Soomin pulled out her most smug look ever, her hands crossing on her chest as she brought her chin up.

"Are you lost baby girl?" She recited the English line whilst using her deepest, macho voice with that terrible, Italian accent.

Donghyuck couldn't help but almost chuckle at the extremely over-the-top act, and although he tried to keep a straight face, a small smile passed through his lips. Of course, that didn't go unnoticed by the young girl and her eyes lit up.

But Donghyuck quickly turned back around and began speeding down the hallway.

"You smiled right now, didn't you?" Soomin squealed out, quickly falling into step behind him.

"Don't you lie to me, I saw you." She ran up next to him and pointed a finger towards him. "Does this mean we're good now?"

Donghyuck looked away, not willing to answer her question. He wanted to deny of course not it would just not come out.

"I will take that as a yes."
"Wha- get off me." He grumbled whilst pushing her off of his arm that she had clung onto.

"Come on, I know you love it."
"No, stop touching me."
"You love skinship, admit it."
"Why the fuck would I."
"Because that's it, periodt."
"No, stop or I'll fucking shoot you this time."
"Nopee, I won- okay, fine, fine, chill out!!"

The wind blew through the countless of winds, creating what was called by the people here 'the song of the abandoned soul'. It was creepy, especially considering the 3 hooded figures who wandered through the empty forest, all occasionally looking around whenever even the smallest sound of a twig snapping sounded.

They soon reached their destination, a cut down oak tree with it's base big enough to he a tiny, round table. The territory line.

Upon uncovering himself, Taeyong hurriedly walked up to it seeing the white paper placed on it, a small gray stone keeping it from being taken by the wind. The other two figures, Yuta and Donghyuck, also revealed themselves and followed right in their leader's footsteps.

"Can't these people just fucking call like normal people..." Yuta muttered, annoyed and angered as usual.

Taeyong grabbed the paper, opening it to it's full size. He was surprised to see the bold, red letters written on it that formed a small sentence.

I hope you're ready.

"What does it say, hyung?" Donghyuck asked, clearly in a better look than Yuta. Upon receiving no response, he resorted to grabbing the paper to see for himself. The Japanese boy also leaned in to get a look for himself.

"'I hope you're ready'? What's that supposed to mean?" The youngest looked up at their leader confused.

"They're definitely planning something. But why tell us so bluntly?" Yuta joined in, also looking up to see Taeyong's judgement.

He himself was obviously calculating, his borrows furrowing like every time. He was trying to piece the puzzle together in his hand, to make this all make sense. But he just couldn't understand.

That's when he  took the paper back, scanning it quickly before turning it around. That's when he noticed the normal, black letters imprinted in a much smaller font at the right end.

Oh. And I hope that you are ready now

 And I hope that you are ready now

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I absolutely love Soomin

But 😯

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