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The room was quiet as usual, this time the curtains hanging wide open to let the bright light into it

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The room was quiet as usual, this time the curtains hanging wide open to let the bright light into it. On the bed laid Soomin, positioned on her stomach with her bare feet kicking the air. Today she had opted for one of Jisung's light pink, comfy t-shirts and her own leggings that Jungwoo had so nicely washed for her again. She was content enough that she hummed to herself as she stared down in concentration.

What was she staring down you may ask?
A A4 drawing block that she was currently colouring in.

Not that Soomin was good at it. No, not at all, her attempt of a tropical parrot looked more like a mixture of a flamingo and elephant on steroids, but she was having fun nevertheless.  Random coloured pencils littered the black sheets of the bed, and she would often have to reach out her hand quite far in order to get them.

Since a majority of the members were again out of the house, she was left with barely anyone to talk to or do anything with. Jisung and Chenle were sadly in school too and after getting the chinese boy down a few ranks on League of Legends due to constantly losing, she opted for colouring.

"Hmmm... should I make you a friend?" Soomin muttered to herself whilst pointing the red pencil at the 'bird' that was currently drawn on the page.

After a small second of silence, she smiled brightly. "Of course Mr.Parrot! Everyone deserves a friend!"

Upon looking around, she located the black pencil for the outline right beside the edge of the sheet. As she tried to reach out to it, the slick fucker decided to roll off and then land under the bed.

Soomin groaned loudly, her feet falling onto the sheet. The pure laziness forced her to keep laying down instead of doing anything productive like all human beings.

She blew some hairs out of her face. "Will it show if I use dark blue instead?"


"Ugh, it probably will. Alright."

And with that, she rolled to the edge of the bed just like the pencil did and got off, crouching right beside it.

Upon looking down, she immediately noticed the pencil quite close by. But what she didn't expect was the amount of boxes and random stuff that was pushed far back towards the wall. But knowing it was none of her business, Soomin of course grabbed the pen.

As she was about to get up, an object reflected the sunlight and shone right into her eye. She squirmed, but soon the curiosity overtook her and she lowered her head again.

On top of one of the closer boxes was an object that she could not quite identify. That's what forced her to reach out her hand and grab it, pulling it out with her.

"Oh! Isn't this..." Soomin exclaimed surprised, eyes scanning over the glass at the images displayed in the frame.

"It's the girl!"

Sudden excitement overflowing her, Soomin sat right back on the bed, legs crossing as she continuously stared at the two images that she recognized so easily.

She smiled, seeing child Donghyuck looking so happy in the first picture. Even more so as her eyes shifted to the one beside it, seeing almost grown Donghyuck smiling equally as wide. He couldn't have been 17 in that picture, but it seemed like an eternity had passed since he had last smiled like that.

Just like that, her focus soon shifted to the mysterious girl. She had guessed that it was her in both pictures, the unique spark in her eyes giving it away. The girl was beautiful, hell, even Soomin was falling in love.

But the more she inspected her feautures, Soomin felt more uneasy. She somehow found a resemblance to... herself. Their eyes had the same shape and colour. The hair was the exact same, natural colour. And even without that, many would guess that they were related.

But they weren't. Soomin had never seen this girl before in her life. She just seemed like someone Donghyuck once knew.

And deeply cherished.

As Soomin continued staring, she suddenly began hearing footsteps. Realizing that it was probably Donghyuck, she looked around frantically before tucking the old, dusty frame right under the bed sheets beside her.

Just then, the door opened, and without much of a greeting or knock, Donghyuck entered.

"Hey, nice to see you stranger." Soomin smiled, her voice wavering ever so slightly due to her nervousness.

But as the last two days, the boy ignored her and went right for his wardrobe, not even looking at her.

Soomin pouted. "You're still not talking to me?"


"I'll take that as a yes." She sighed. "But why are you so mad at me? It wasn't that bad."


"Or maybe it was." She muttered, biting her lip as she thought of a solution for the veryYy terrible situation. "But c'mon? Can't you forgive me?"

Donghyuck kept stone cold as he put back the few articles of clothing in their rightful places.

That's why Soomin resulted to her all time favourite technique.

"Awww, come on. Pweasseeeee~" She exclaimed loudly in a baby-like voice, clasping her hands together in a plea.

Donghyuck paused, head slowly turning in her direction. Soomin almost wheezed at his absolutely priceless expression, his face being twisted in disgust and he looked like he was about to gag.

But of course, that didn't work as well and the boy put down the last pair of pants before slamming the wardrobe door and beginning to make his way back to the exit.

"Huh? Where are you going? We haven't sorted this out yet!" Soomin whined, getting up and running up behind him.

Donghyuck clenched his teeth, walking slightly quicker as the suppressed anger began rising in his veins once again. He didn't know how much longer he could take her antics. And he wasn't sure of what he would do if she were to cross the line.

That's why he exploded as he felt her small hand grip onto his forearm. It triggered the eruption of 100 volcanoes within him and he couldn't hold himself back.

And Soomin could only gasp loudly as he turned around, his hand wrapping around her skinny neck. He advanced quickly, her back soon slamming against the wall.

Soomin's eyes then widened as she felt the cold tip of a gun being pressed to her jaw.

Soomin's eyes then widened as she felt the cold tip of a gun being pressed to her jaw

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Oml I'm so proud of this chapter

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