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That was the only way you could describe the current situation at the base.

The members were frantically running around, checking every single room and hiding spot but to no avail. They were all overtaken by terror.

Soomin had escaped.

And Sicheng, aka Winwin, thought it was all his fault. He had been assigned the night shift for guarding the young girl. He felt terrible seeing her sleep on probably the most uncomfortable makeshift bed ever and against Taeyong's orders, he had picked her up and taken her to his own room. Whilst watching her from a comfortable chair, he had dozed off and when he awoke in the early morning, the door to his room was wide open with Soomin nowhere in sight. That's what triggered the hunt.

"Have you found anything? Any clue at least?!" Taeyong ran up to Donghyuck who was barely even searching, just raging. He had been right to have locked her up yet no one listened and that led up to this situation.

"I would've already told you." The younger boy replied and his leader sighed.

"We'll search the base perimeter soon. There's barely any life around here so she wouldn't have gone too far." Taeyong said with a frown before going on with looking.

Donghyuck sighed, a headache beginning to hit him so he decided to go out into their small garden for a breath of fresh air. He made his way to the kitchen, passing by a few of his members which were still running around the mansion. The chilly, morning air hit him in the face and he exhaled watching the sun that had just emerged from behind the horizon.

But his eyes soon found something else to look at and his lips slightly parted in confusion seeing the small figure crouched down by one of the flower pots. Soomin was wearing a way too over sized hoodie along with some basketball shorts that almost covered her entire legs and the string was tightly strapped on her waist.

She was carefully watering the soil while looking at the beautiful purple flower that grew from it. The girl was oblivious to Donghyuck's presence as he stood in place shocked for a few seconds. That's when the wave of anger hit him and he began stomping in her direction.

Soomin obviously heard the footsteps and when she was about to turn around, someone harshly grabbed her elbow and pulled her up, then made her face him.

"What are you doing outside?!" The boy with the code name Haechan yelled in her face. The girl was quite startled as to why he was do angry.

"I-I just went out for a walk!" Soomin attempted to defend herself but her statement did not seem to calm him.

"Do you know what kind of chaos you've caused?!" His face got closer to her as he yelled, making the girl close her eyes. Due to her lack of response, Haechan sighed in frustration before he began tugging on her arm in an attempt to drag her back to the mansion.

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