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"When I said that you should find something to cope with, I didn't mean this

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"When I said that you should find something to cope with, I didn't mean this."

Donghyuck ignored her, grabbing the second soju bottle from over the edge of the bed and putting it down on the wooden board that they had placed on the bed. Soomin was sceptical, her shot glass hasn't been filled even once. Sure, she was happy that he had calmed down and decided to come back home. But this wasn't the right way to do stuff.

But not like Donghyuck would care, he just opened the next bottle with ease and poured himself a drink.

"Listen, you shouldn't-" Soomin began, but cut herself off with a sigh as he downed the shot glass with ease. "Is this really the only way?"

"Why? Don't you drink?" Donghyuck asked as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"No... not at all." She shook her head.

"At all?"
"I only drank when I turned of age. But it wasn't anything strong, just some champagne and expensive wine."

"So you've never drank soju." The boy concluded, barely surprised or just didn't show it.

Soomin nodded, pursing her lips together as she still wasn't too supportive of his behaviour. She gasped slightly as he then proceeded to pour soju into her supposed shot glass, wanting to refuse, but Donghyuck did not seem to want to hear it as he already proceeded to down his own drink.

The girl sighed. "So you're just going to get drunk here? By yourself."

"You're invited to join."

Soomin shook her head, eyelids falling slightly as she leaned back comfortably. Donghyuck didn't say much more, continuing the repetitive cycle of pouring and drinking. Somehow the alcohol didn't seem to have much of an effect on him as he continued being grumpy and slouched.

Now feeling slightly outcasted, she decided to grab the single shot he had poured for her and with honor, downed it just like he did.

"Awh... shit." She exclaimed immediately after, putting down the glass as her hand went up to wrap around her neck. Her throat was burning because of the unusual taste and consistency of alcohol passing through it. Soomin was forced to squirm, frowning at the unpleasant feeling.

Donghyuck couldn't help but snicker at her reaction, the effect of the great amount of alcohol beginning to take a toll on him. As it gushed through his veins, his vision began getting blurry and his demeanor and thoughts more sloppy and unaware.

Soomin noticed that, narrowing her eyes at him. "Are you... drunk?"

The boy swayed sideways with a small hummed as he closed his eyes. Then he opened them and took a deep breath. "Nah, I'm just a little-" *burp* "-tipsy."

She sighed, leaning her hand on her opened palm as she watched him with the slightest bit of pity visible in her eyes. Soomin had no idea what Donghyuck had gone through, but it sure must have been a handful for him to have turned out like this. And she of course felt bad for everything she had done and said to him.

"Does this at least make you feel better?" The girl asked, lowering her head to try to catch a glimpse of his face as he was looking at his legs.

"What?" Donghyuck slurred out, looking up with squirmed and annoyed eyes. Soomin could see his now blood-shot eyes and redness overtaking his cheeks.

She pursed her lips together. "I think that's enough."

Ignoring her, the boy reached out to finish the opened bottle of soju. But before he could, Soomin was quick to snatch it out of his grasp and drink it herself, a few drops spilling down from her lips, to her jaw, and further down her neck. She then released a laboured sigh, using her hand to wipe her face.

"You should go to sleep, you must be really tired. You're still recovering." She commanded, although in a soft voice, and stood up to put away the desk and all of the soju bottles.

Donghyuck watched her with lazy eyes, intaking all of her graceful and sweet movements. He was much more immersed as she slid a hair tie off her wrist and with ease placed her long hair into a messy bun that bounced slightly with each step she took. His long shirt was swaying everytime she turned around after mis-placing something. And he just couldn't stop staring.

After she was finally done, Soomin finally returned to the bed, crossing her legs just like Donghyuck as she sat right in front of him with just a little distance.

"Are you still tipsy?" She asked warily, not really knowing the dynamics of alcohol.

Donghyuck's brows furrowed as his vision became blurry again. He looked down and his eyes landed on her hand, which was bandaged, something he hadn't really noticed before.

"What... what happened to... yoou?" He asked innocently, pointing right at it with his index finger.

"Oh, this?" Soomin asked, raising her hand to take a better look at it. "I just got a small cut, but it's okay."

"Aw... that must hurt." Donghyuck pouted, something the girl had never seen him do. She couldnt help but giggle at the sight.

"It's probably nothing compared to the nasty cut on your cheek. Actually, our bandages are matching, aren't they?" Soomin exclaimed, as excited as a little toddler getting fed. She raised her hand beside his face, admiring the similar and neat way Kun had bandaged their injuries.

But Donghyuck wasn't looking there, no, he was staring right at her face. As the room continued spinning uncontrollably, he couldn't help but see her face as blurry. And that meant, that he saw her as someone she wasn't. Someone he longed for with all his heart.

Tears instantly flooded his eyes, both sad and happy ones.

"Yuna..." He breathed out, barely audibly enough for the girl to hear.

Soomin took away her head, frowning in confusion. "What did you say?"

"You're... you're b-back." Donghyuck continued on, clearly in a daze.

The girl chuckled awkwardly, but a warm smile overtook her lips. "What do you mean, I never left though?"

"Yuna, I'm so so so sorry for everything." He suddenly bursted, the tears beginning to stream down his face.

Soomin was overtaken by shock, staring at him in disbelief as he looked at her with regret and sorrow.

"Huh, what are you saying?" She asked, slightly flustered now.

"I'm so sorry, it was all my fault. But please stay, please... please never leave me again." He sobbed out desperately, hands clenching into fists at the bed sheets that he was holding.

"Hyuck, I'm really not understanding y-"
"I love you."

And before Soomin could say anything else, Donghyuck's hands raised up to her face, wrapping around her jaw and neck and he pulled her towards him, causing their lips to collide.

And before Soomin could say anything else, Donghyuck's hands raised up to her face, wrapping around her jaw and neck and he pulled her towards him, causing their lips to collide

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