𝔾𝕒𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕌
Being a young heiress, Park Soomin is often the victim of many abductions, where she is then exchanged for compensation from her father. It's become a normality for her. But everything is completely different once she gets kidnapped by...
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"I'm sorry this happened. We never intended to hurt you." The doctor that actually revealed his name to Soomin, Kun, spoke to her while he fixed up her wounds. He had let her peacefully use the bathroom and also gave her pills for her migraine and patched her up. The girl actually felt way better although she barely exchanged words with him.
"Thank you." Soomin then whispered out which took Kun by surprise as he was finally done.
"For what?"
"For treating me." The girl weakly smiled, making him return the gesture.
"I don't think you should be thanking me. We kidnapped you afterall." Kun stood up, beginning to put the equipment away.
"I think I should be thankful to you for that too." Her words made him freeze and he turned to see the girl giggle quietly. "Sounds crazy, doesn't it? I'm actually glad to have been kidnapped."
Kun was silent as the 2 made eye contact. "I'm happy to get away from home for a while."
He of course did not have a response to that and the girl sighed and leaned back in the hospital bed. "You know, I was supposed to get married in a week."
The doctor still stood there frozen with a tray full of supplies as he watched the young gal retreat into her own world. "He's actually pretty handsome and polite but... I don't like him. He has anger issues. And for sure I don't love him. But that's how the world works according to my father. Since I'm his only child, the only way to continue the family business is for me to be married off to some other rich man's second or third son. "
The words just kind of spilled out of Soomin as she continued staring at the blank wall ahead. "Maybe that's why I wanted to get away so bad. Even to the point that I was willing to get kidnapped." She then turned to face Kun. "So thank you for that."
Her sad smile physically hurt the doctor's heart as they held eye contact for a few seconds when there was a knock at the door and Jisung popped his head in.
"Are you done? If so, Tae- I mean boss said to bring her to get something to eat."
"O-oh yeah, she's all patched up." Kun mumbled, still extremely taken aback by Soomin's confession.
"Let's go eat then." The youngest beamed and the girl immediately jumped off the bed and made her way towards the door.
"Thanks again for the help, Kun oppa!" Soomin sent the doctor one last happy glance before leaving with Jisung.
"Wait, so you're seriously just fine with all of this?" A boy who addressed himself as 'Le' asked Soomin in disbelief. The girl was chewing on a pretty tasty sandwich, therefore just nodded.
"Why?" Nana exclaimed in surprise and the girl took her time swallowing before answering.
"It's happened so many times so I technically know what will happen. I will stay here for a while to get my father worried, then you will demand some sort of money, you then get it and I get set free. Boom, magic." Soomin explained and the boys still looked at her shocked. She didn't bother mentioning the part where they would all be arrested as she had decided to keep that to herself.
"How many times have you been kidnapped before?" Another young member, No, chimed in.
"Hmm, maybe 15 in the last 10 years? I'm not really sure." The girl frowned and all of the listeners gasped.
"Wow, that's an average of maybe 1.5 per year. Makes sense you wouldn't be so surprised." The Canadian boy leaned back against the wall.
"But it's my first time at such a fun place. Usually it's like men in their thirties of forties kidnapping me and it's no fun. But here I actually feel like I'll have fun." Soomin happily bit into her sandwich again.
At that moment someone else entered the room and she turned her head only to find the guy in the door frame. He was glaring at her intensely and she looked back at her sandwich, not willing to see his face any longer.
"Hey, Haechan, you hungry? Boss made sandwiches and there's snacks." Nana pointed towards the fridge, but the other boy just shook his head.
"Mark, you're needed in the main office."
The Canadian boy raised his arms in a 'what the hell?" Gesture as Haechan had revealed his real name. The other boy didn't even seem to acknowledge it and Mark just sighed.
"See you guys later." Canadian boy waved goodbye before exiting the room, soon being followed by Haechan.
"Well now she knows 3 names. We're fucked when she runs away and reports us to the police." Ren rolled his eyes, making Soomin giggle.
"Don't worry, I think I'll be staying here and annoying all of y'all for a while. Besides, if I really wanted to escape, I would have already. That door is open and i bet i can out-run all of you." The girl said, pointing towards the back door that stood at the other side of the kitchen. The guys immediately gasped and all ran over to it, checking it and it was indeed unlocked.
"Well shit. I think I just had a heart attack." No clutched the left side of his chest using his hand while Soomin happily sipped on the lemonade they had offered her.
Afterwards, the girl was exhausted and was escorted down to her cell by Jisung who said that he'll be sleeping for the night while someone else guarded her room and that she could ask the guy for anything. Soomin had just obediently nodded, fully okay with sleeping there.
But as soon as she laid down on the gross mattress, she felt alone yet again. And she also began having regrets.
Her father was probably freaking out right now as over a day had passed since her disappearance. But remembering the face of her 'fiancee' made her shake off all guilt and tuck herself in for the night.
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So yes, I will be doing the oppa, noona, hyung shat becoz this is a fanfic abt koreans sooo