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Soomin felt

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Soomin felt... numb. 

Maybe it was the wild amount of emotions flushing over her, which were way too much for her to take, therefore the brain decided to ignore them completely. Or maybe because the terrific image of the living room appeared before her each time she shut her eyes. 

Nevertheless, she was in a terrible state. 

Just half an hour prior, she had went into the bathroom to wash up and had immediately thrown up into the toilet bowl. All of the contents of her stomach spilled out until there was absolutely nothing left except water. But she threw all of that out too.

This was the first time that Soomin truly felt where she was. Sure, she knew that they were gangsters. That they hurt people and stole things for a living. That they may have great personalities but they weren't good people. 

But today she realized that their job also consisted of murdering people. 

And that left a bitter taste in her mouth, drying up her throat as all of the alarms in her brain went off. The people she had managed to get to know so well were cold-hearted murderers that would shoot a gun without hesitation. She didn't know how much she could trust them and how safe she should feel with them.

As her thoughts contined balling up in her mind, refusing to leave her alone, the everlasting silence of Donghyuck's room was interrupted by two voices outside. They were ushered and barely audible, but Soomin managed to figure out what they were saying.

"Is she alright?"
"Do you expect anyone who saw people get hurt to be alright?"
"I'm trying to talk to you here, stop with that."
"She seems to be in shock."
"How do we deal with that?"
"I guess we should just let her deal with it herself. She'll get over it eventually."
"Jesus, why are you so cold to her? She needs the mental support, not to 'deal with it herself'."
"Then go in and talk to her if you're so capable. She's almost mute right now."
"Fucking hell, Donghyuck."

Soomin stopped concentrating on the conversation outside, turning to face the wall. The comfortable bed seemed more cold and foreign than ever before and for once, the room didn't seem homey at all. The girl just wanted to get out of there, although she doubted that the horrific scenes will leave her mind as long as she's alive.

She pursed her lips together as the door creaked open, the almost silent footsteps of someone coming in and then it shutting once again. The person came up to the edge of the bed, standing there silently for a few seconds before speaking in his usual, deep and monotone voice.

"Taeyong said you need to eat." He said simply.

"I'm not hungry." Soomin admitted, feeling something come up her throat at the slightest mention of food.

"I can't just let you starve." Donghyuck continued pushing, no empathy in his voice whatsoever.

The girl turned around again to see him staring down at her with a tray in his hand. On it was a plate with a tasty toasted sandwitch on it as well as a glass of orange juice and a bottle of water. 

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