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The mood had changed drastically

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The mood had changed drastically.

Somehow, breakfast was more quiet today. The few members at the table ate in complete silence. The only noises were Jaemin preparing a fresh batch of pancakes and the minor rain dripping onto the closed windows. No one could really put a finger on what has got everyone so on edge today. Was it the man in the basement? Or the constant worry for an attack from the north?

Or was it the absence of the bright little girl?

At that moment, Sicheng entered the kitchen with a gloomy expression, not helping the atmosphere at all. He sat besides Kun who looked towards him with worry.

"Nothing yet?"

Sicheng shook his head as he served himself some apple juice.

"She's awake, but doesn't want to get up. Do you think it's the screaming?" He asked the elder who took a breath to answer but was cut off.

"Mind speaking in Korean, you two?" Doyoung, who got annoyed at literally everything, growled out.

"It's Soomin. She's refusing to get up." Sicheng sighed as he was served 2 pancaked by Jaemin. "Thanks."

"So what? She probably just wants to sleep more." Doyoung said in a dismissive tone, biting into a biscuit. The chinese boy shook his head.

"It's not that. Something's bothering her."

"Do you expect a girl who's been kidnapped and then almost kidnapped again to be okay?" Ten came into the room. "She had to break down sooner or later."

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll be fine." Kun patted Sicheng on the arm, but the boy didn't really feel at ease. He grew to care for the young girl as her happy and bright personality always managed to cheer him on. Not just him, but also some of the other members. That's why the house felt more quiet without her constant laughter.

"Kun, Donghyuck." The authorative voice made everyone's heads shoot up towards the door where Taeyong stood with his arms crossed. The 2 addressed stood up, slightly surprised. "Come to my office."

Thinking that they might have messed up of some sorts, Kun and Donghyuck complied and followed Taeyong out into the hallway. The leader already knew what they might be thinking, that's why he sighed.

"It's about Soomin." 


There was a frail knock at the door to Taeyong's office.

"Come in!" He called out, loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear. The door warily opened and shut quietly and the delicate actions immediately caught the attention of the leader. He looked up and was slightly taken aback, seeing the young girl standing there with her back straight and arms behind her back. She seemed nervous as she looked away from his gaze. Taeyong could tell she was cold due to her slightly shivering body. She was barefoot afterall.

"What are you doing here?" He realized that his voice was a little too aggressive and he watched Soomin gulp and shuffle nervously. The leader then softened slightly and signalled towards the leather chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat."

His more inviting tone gave the girl some confidence as she walked up to him and sat down. Taeyong laid back in his rolling chair, waiting to hear what the girl had to say.

"So... u-uhm..." She stuttered, not knowing how to phase her request. She was afraid that she would get told off for even thinking about it but Soomin was determined. That's why she took a shaky breath before speaking with a slightly clearer voice. "I was wondering if I could go outside for something- I swear I'm not trying to run away! I just need to visit somewhere and it is quite urgent and I thought that someone could take me-"

She was cut off by Taeyong. "Where and why do you need to go?" 

His suddenly hardened voice made the girl bite her lip anxiously. "It- it's really important..." She closed her eyes and gulped. "I want to visit my mother. But I swear, she won't tell the police or my father or anything. Not that she can..." Soomin mumbled out the last part.

"She can't?" Taeyong raised an eyebrow.

"She's mute and paralyzed." The girl hurriedly blurted out, looking into his eyes and then immediately glanced away.

The leader knew that there was much more to the story and could tell by her nervous demeanour that she was lying. But something in his gut told him that he should listen to her and let her go wherever she needed to. During the weeks that she spent here, Soomin had gained his trust through the multiple opportunities of running off she missed out on.

That's why Taeyong just sighed, looking down at his papers again. "Fine. You can go, but no funny business."

"O-oh my god, really?" The girl almost yelled out, making the leader glance up.

"Yes. I'll arrange someone to take you. Now you should go before I change my mind." 

Soomin smiled from ear to ear as she scrambled onto her feet. "Thank you so much, sir!" She exclaimed, before quickly scurrying out of the office. Taeyong stiffled a laugh.

"Sir? I'm not that old, c'mon."

Okay but why is my writing so bad for other books and I actually like it in this one???

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Okay but why is my writing so bad for other books and I actually like it in this one???

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