𝔾𝕒𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕌
Being a young heiress, Park Soomin is often the victim of many abductions, where she is then exchanged for compensation from her father. It's become a normality for her. But everything is completely different once she gets kidnapped by...
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A small whimper was heard in the pitch black room, disturbing the long silence. The girl who was stirring awake was not met with anything pleasant, and her small cries soon turned into pained groans. She curled up, hands wrapping around her stomach as the pulsating pain throbbed more than ever.
"Fuck..." She hissed, shutting her eyes tightly just to gain some comfort to be able to breathe properly.
Sadly she was one of those girls that dealt with Uncle Red's visit really terrible, the pain always earing her up for at least 2 days and afterwards it was minor. And also, she had a terrible apetite.
But getting herself into a stable mental state was a priority.
Just as she was about to make her first attempt to get up, the door suddenly opened. Soomin paused, seeing the figure silently walk over to the desk in the darkness, soon after turning on the small lamp on top of it. She watched as he hunched over, opening the drawer of his desk and grabbing something from inside.
"Donghyuck?" She asked in barely a whisper, immediaely getting his attention. Donghyuck turned to find her almost fully under the sheets, just her eyes popping out to see him.
"Why aren't you asleep?" He cringed slightly, not used to her being awake whenever he came in here.
"Wait, shit, I-" "Actually nevermind. Just go back to sleep, sorry if I disturbed you." He didn't seem to notice her EXTREME discomfort and just grabbed the small container in his hands before turning off the desk lighty and beginnig to make his way towards the door.
"No, wait! Get- ah fuck." Soomin continued grunting, the pain increasing the more awake she felt.
Only NOW Donghyuck noticed that there was something actually wrong with her, only after hearing the weird, pained noises she emitted.
"Are you okay?" He asked warily as he stood at the door, watching her weirdly.
"No! Get me to Kun!" The girl cried out.
Donghyuck was surprised by her desperate tone, turning on the main light and walking over to the bed. Soomin began emerging from the sheets, constantly looking back to see whether there was any blood trail behind her.
He could see that she was pale and frantic, therefore offered her a hand which the girl gladly took.
"What's wrong with you?" Donghyuck cringed, watching her pant as she hunched over, holding her lower stomach.
"Just... get me... Kun." She commanded, not even looking up at him.
'What the fuck.' Was the only thing he could think of before walking out into the hallway, being followed by the zombie-like Soomin. She was quite behind as he comfortably walked down the few doors and knocked on it before walking in.
"Hey, Kun hyung." He asked casually, turning on the lights in the room.
Kun, being a light sleeper, immediately groaned, not wanting to be awakened. With half-closed eyes, he raised himself slightly to see Donghyuck standing at his door.
"What do you want?" The doctor asked, the annoyance and confusion clear in his voice.
Just then, Soomin walked in, whining in pain whilst still holding her lower stomach. Just by laying eyes on her, Kun could immediately tell that something was wrong, his worry kicking in and he jumped up and towards her.
"Soomin? Soomin, what's wrong?" He asked, slightly panicked but still trying to keep his voice down in order to let the other members sleep.
"Can I get some painkillers, please?" She looked up pleadingly, looking as if she was on the verge of pain.
"What, what hurts? Did you hurt yourself?" Kun continued questioning, gripping on her softly in order to get her to talk to him.
"I think it's..." Soomin cleared her throat, eyes shifting between him and Donghyuck. "-that time of the month." She whispered.
The younger boy didn't quite catch what she had said, but a look of relief passed by on Kun's face.
"Come, I'll give you one." He assured her, hand going onto her back to guide her to the infermery.
Donghyuck wasn't sure of what to do, and although he tried to deny it, he was definitely slightly worried for the girl. That's why he followed the two.
"You want me to what?"
Donghyuck was shocked, staring at the elder boy in pure awe as they stood out in the hallway.
Kun sighed. "Sorry about that, but you're the only one awake now."
"It's 5 in the fucking morning! Nothing's open right now!" The younger boy continued defensively, not trying too much to contain his voice.
"That's not true. There are plenty." Kun shook his head. "Listen, you don't need to be embarassed to buy pads, it's normal."
"Why can't you go then?" Donghyuck continued arguing, desperately wanting to win the argument.
"Because last time I left the house, our prisoner died and I don't wanna get any more shit for leaving my duty." Kun smiled bitterly. "Now scurry along. It won't take you long to go back and forth between the nearest store and here."
And then he just left him there.
Donghyuck was speechless, mouthing words but nothing coming out. He felt all sorts of emotions, like anger, embarassment and confusion. And he definitely did not want to go out to get anything for Soomin.
But finally, he took a deep breath, cursed at Kun under his breath a couple of more times before walking off towards his room to get dressed to go out.
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