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It was already a week ago that Hawkmoth got arrested but it seemed like yesterday for Adrien. He cried a lot the first days. Marinette had to stop him from drinking a lot. Yesterday they had to go to court to decide Gabriel's punishment and Adrien had no mercy. He was sentenced for to life imprinsonment. 

It was 6 AM and Marinette was already in the kitchen. After Adrien found out everything, he decided to sell the Mansion. He had to many bad memories from there so he bought an appartement and asked Marinette to move in with him. She ofcourse said yes. She wanted to keep an eye on him because she was really worried about him.

She glanced at their bedroom door worriedly while she made coffee. He went to sleep really late last night. She sighed and went to the fridge to get some fruit and yoghurt. She sliced it and put it all togheter. She grabbed a spoon and started eating. When she was almost done, she felt two arms go around her waist and placing a head on head on her shoulders. She smiled as she immediatly recongnized his scent and leaned her head against his. "Goodmorning kitten" She whisperd and sat down her bowl. "Morning princess" He mumbled into her shoulder. She smiled and turned around to wrap her arms around his neck. She hugged him closely as she noticed the small frown on his face. 

He hugged her closer. She kissed his cheek. "How are you?" He whisperd into her ear. He pulled away but still kept his arms around her. "Actually pretty good." He said and gave her a small smile. She smiled at that. She hasn't seen that in a week! "I'm glad to hear that." She said and kissed his nose wich made him chuckle a bit. He kissed her forehead gently. He placed his against hers as they both closed their eyes and sighed happily. "Do you wanna get croissants?" She asked breaking the silence after a couple seconds. His satisfied smile turned into a smirk. "That's why i love you." He said and kissed her. She giggeld against his lips. They pulled away and both when to the bathroom to get ready.

After while they got downstairs from the building and went to their car. The two just had put on some casual but comfy outfits since they just went to her parents bakery. He got into the driver seat and she sat down next to him. He started the car and as he was out of the parking, he grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. She smiled and stroke the back of his hand with her thumb. As she glanced at him, he was smiling brightly while looking out to the road. Her heart was filled with happiness. He was happy. 

After a couple minutes driving, they arrived the bakery. They got out and entered. Sabine came out from after the counter and her face lit up as soon as she saw the two. " Ow heyy sweethearts. It's been so long." She smiled brightly as she embraced the two at the same time. The couple laughed akwardly but ofcourse hugged back. "It's only been a week since i moved out mamam!" Marinette giggeld as they pulled away. Sabine held up her finger. "Still." She said before turning too the blond. "How are you?" She asked with a worried smile on her face. Adrien smiled and held his lady's waist. "I'm okay." He said with a real smile. 

Sabine smiled at that and let out a sigh. "That's good. Do you want croissants?" She smirked at Adrien. He smirked back. "You know it." He said. While Sabine giggeld and went to get them, Mari playfully rolled her eyes but Adrien just reacted by putting his arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple and laughing. 

Sabine came back with a box and gave them to him wich he accepted with a big thank you. After Sabine asking Adrien a million times if he was sure he's okay, they left. Marinette had a really long conversation with her mother on the phone a couple days ago where she already told her everything.

The two got in the car and decided to eat to breakfast in the park. When they went outside, they noticed there weren't a lot of people because it was still early. They sat down on a bench and enjoyed their food. When they were done, they stayed their for a moment. Mari's head was on his shoulder while he held her hand. It was a beautifull day. I was the beginning of spring and the sun was shining while there was still a small breeze. She looked up at him. "Are you really sure you okay?" She said breaking the silence. Adrien looked down at her bluebell eyes and chuckeld. "You keep asking that question." He answerd. Mari sighed with a small smile. "I'm worried about you, kitten. This news was huge." She said quietly. He brought to back of her hands to his lips and kissed it. 

"Don't, Mari. I'm really okay. I'm great actually. We defeated Hawkmoth. I have finally freedom and i can do whatever i want without having to ask my dad. I don't have to do stuff anymore that i don't like and mostly of all." He looked down at her again. "I can be with the girl i love with anyone coming in the way." He whisperd that last part as he kissed her nose. She smiled and cupped his cheek with one hand. "Than i'm glad too." She whisperd back and reached out to kiss him. The blonded interwined his hands into her hear to pull her closer, afraid she would go. But she wouldn't. She was here forever. "I love you." She whisperd against his lips. He pulled away for them both to catch their breath. "I love you too princess." He said with a slight smile, panting before kissing her again. 

It was them against the world, forever.

Did i cry why writing that last sentence? Maybe but i'm on my period so leave me alone-

I'm so sorry for not uploading in such a long time! I've been really busy with school and i had an author's block. I actually came up with this idea while making a test-
kinda sure i'm gonna fail but ANYWAY! 

I'm also kinda not feeling myself lately. My grades are bad, i'm always fighting with my parents and my friends are leaving me but i always fills my heart when i see you're guys comment and i'm feeling better now :)

I would really appreciate if you guys left some ideas/request bcs i don't have them...

ALSO (sorry for the long author's not) self promotion :)
I made a new twitter au! I'm actually kinda proud of it- so check it out! please

Leave a comment or vote if you liked! 

Love y'all x

Word count: 1134

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