Just for you

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because Adrien would spoil Mari with expensive ass gifts and trips, and no one can convince me otherwise.

It's been one month since Adrien proposed to her. They've been attached ever since. Their friends even visited multiple times just because they didn't answer their phones and they wanted to make sure they were still alive. Most of the time, they entered the apartment just to be met by a very amusing sight.

And as if the big diamond on her finger wasn't enough, he took her on a trip to the Amalfi coast in Italy to celebrate their engagement. They stayed at a cute vila which has a great view of the blue ocean. Both of them were on cloud nine and absolutely in love.

The first thing Marinette noticed when she woke up was the sun, which was warming her skin, and her fiance's protective arms around her. She finally decided to open her eyes and couldn't help but smile when she saw the gorgeous view. The waves were active but not too wild, the sea was clear blue and the sun was already up high. She turned her head to the side and saw her beautiful husband laying beside her. He was peacefully asleep and from the sound of his breath, he was still deeply asleep. 'That won't last long' she thought to herself after she got an idea.

She reached forward and placed a light kiss on his jaw. She pulled back and when she didn't get a reaction and kissed his cheek. She then placed another kiss and another before she noticed he started moving. He opened his eyes and looked straight into her beautiful blue ones. "Goodmorning, my beautiful wife-to-be" He whispered in a husky voice. Marinette blushed a little and now finally placed her lips upon his. "Goodmorning, chaton." She whispered against his lips. Adrien smiled into the kiss before grabbing her hips and turning them around. He hovered above her and kissed her deeply.

Marinette laughed into the kiss and soon both of them were making out. Adrien was the first to pull away but kept his face close to her. "Slept well?" He caressed her cheek softly with the back of his fingers. Marinette hummed, smiling before nestling her head into his hand. He placed a delicate kiss on her forehead before smiling at her contentment. "C'mon. Let's wake up and have breakfast because I have some plans for us." He told her, throwing the blanket off him and getting off the bed. 

Marinette whined and pouted before laying out dramatically in the bed. "What plans?" She asked. Adrien chuckled and reached down to kiss her nose. "You'll see." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. Adrien left the bedroom, deciding to let give his fiancée some time to wake up, and went to the kitchen. The bedroom door opened as he prepared breakfast for himself and his lady. A jawning Marinette came out. 

She was just wearing her underwear and his t-shirt. The t-shirt had risen a little so a part of her belly was visible. Marinette walked toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Is that bowl for me?" She asked, pointing to the bowl full of yogurt and fruit. Adrien nodded and kissed her head. "Yes. It's all for you," He told her. She happily walked over and grabbed her food before taking a seat on the aisle and she started eating. Not long after Adrien joined her. 

When they were done, Adrien grabbed a hold of their dishes while Marinette went to go get ready. When he had put their plates in the dishwasher, he went to join Marinette to get ready. When he entered the bathroom, he saw Marinette was already dressed and was still doing her make-up and hair. She wore beige loose pants and a white tank top. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her head as she was applying lipgloss. 

"You look so stunning

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"You look so stunning." He told her. Marinette looked down at herself and frowned. "I'm wearing something so casual!" She exclaimed, laughing. Adrien shrugged and placed a kiss on her lips. "You always look stunning. Even when you're in your pajamas." Marinette hit his chest as she tried to contain her blush. "You flirt!" She laughed. 

When Marinette was finished, she kissed his cheek before leaving the bathroom. Adrien wore a pair of black shorts and a green shirt. He soon left the bathroom and went to join his lady. 

She grabbed ahold of her stuff and put them in her purse before grabbing her sunglasses and putting them on her head. She looked at him and smiled. "Ready, handsome?" She asked. Adrien nodded and grabbed a hold of her hand. They left the villa, hand in hand, and made their way towards the village. 

"So what exactly are we gonna do?" Marinette asked him, stroking the palm of his hand with her thumb. Adrien chuckeld at her. "I thought I would just take you out. You can shop a little and I'll buy you dinner." Marinette smiled and swung their arms back and forth. "Alright, sounds good." 

They walked into a shopping district and Marinette quickly saw a store she wanted to go inside. Adrien, of course, followed close behind. Marinette walked around in the store until her eyes fell on a beautiful white, satin dress. Marinette gasped and quickly walked toward it. She grabbed ahold of the hangar and took a look at the dress. "I love it" She exclaimed, happily, turning to Adrien who smiled back at her. 

Marinette looked at the price tag and nervously chuckled. "Nevermind." She sang, putting on the dress. Adrien raised an eyebrow ad grabbed a hold of her arm to stop her from going farther. "What's wrong?" He asked. "The dress cost like 1000 euros. That's ridiculous." She said. Adrien shrugged. "Yes but you love the dress so I'll get you it." He told her casually. 

Marinette let out a big sigh. She knew him by now. He wasn't gonna give up until he had bought her that dress. "Alright." She said, giving up herself. Adrien smirked, very proud of himself, and grabbed a hold of the dress. "I'll keep this one, you continue shopping." He winked. Marinette bit her lip and kissed him. "Thank you!" She yelled before she ran off. She decided she would just use the opportunity. 

Sometime later, Marinette came back with another dress in her hands. "Okay, I'm good now." She said, smiling. Adrien returned the smile and grabbed a hold of the dress. "Alright, then to the check out we go." He said in a singy voice before grabbing her hand and walking away with her. 

At the checkout, the cashier told them the price and Adrien pulled out his wallet, taking out his credit card. He paid for both the dresses while throwing a wink at Mari. The cashier put the dresses into a bag and gave it to Adrien with a flirty smile on her face. "Have a great day!" She winked. Adrien raised an eyebrow in confusion while Marinette raised one in jealousy. 

She grabbed a hold of his arm with both her hands and gave the cashier a very fake smile. "My fiancée and I will have a wonderful day." She exclaimed, before leaving the store pulling Adrien with her, who was laughing in amusement. "Shut up." She muttered to him. She looked at him and couldn't help but laugh along. 

Hello, my loves <3

I know it's been a while since I updated this story but I've been mainly working on my adrienette April book. Yes I know it's almost June and I haven't finished it yet, don't bully me but if you like to check it out, it would mean a lot to me! I'm proud of that book actually. 

My next book will ladynoir July and from 13 to 27th of June I probably won't be updating because I have exams :))

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story, and bye <33

Word count: 1363

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