Emma's first christmas

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Marinette woke up at the feelings of little kisses on her cheek. She smiled softly with her eyes still closed. She felt tiny hands grab a hold her shirt, making her open her eyes. She saw beautiful green emerald eyes staring at her. But it weren't her husband's.

It was only two weeks since she left the hospital with her new baby girl. Both adrien and her couldn't be more in love with her and were so happy they were gonna spend christmas with the three of them. Adrien layed Emma carefully down in the arms of his wife before cuddeling her from behind. Marinette smiled and gave Emma a light kiss on the forehead. "Hi, baby." She whisperd before turning to the man behind her. He was already leaning down as their lips met in a sweet kiss.

They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes for a moment. She saw the same eyes her daughter has. "Goodmorning, my love." He whisperd as they focused on their baby again. "Goodmorning chaton." She whisperd back as she took one of Emma's tiny hands in hers. She softly rubbed the back of her hand with her hand while Emma took her time looking around the room. "You want me to take her downstairs?" Adrien asked after they layed there for a solid 5 minutes. Marinette nodded and carefully passed her to Adrien before she got out of bed.

The family walked downstairs to the livingroom in their matching pants. Marinette had made them because she just couldn't resist it. She also totally squaled as they wore them for the first time a couple days ago. Adrien layed Emma down in her crib as Marinette walked to the christmas tree and turned on the lights. Emma looked at the christmas tree with big eyes as she saw the lights flicker. Mari and Adrien both had to chuckle from her face. Marinette wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed his shoulder. "Merry christmas eve by the way." She whisperd. He turned around and took her hips into his hands. "You too, beautiful." He said before leaving a kiss on her lips.

Emma interuppted their beautiful kiss by starting to softly cry. Marinette pulled away from the kiss and chuckeld. "Looks like someone's hungry." She said before picking up Emma. "I'll feed her. Can you make us some breakfast, please?" She asked him. He nodded and kissed her cheek and Emma's before he went to the fridge.

A little while later, Emma was full and back to sleep. Adrien and Marinette shared the last pancake. "Do we need anymore presents?" Adrien asked his wife. She shook her head. "No, we just have to wrap them and then we're ready." Adrien stood up and gathered their plates to place them in the dishwasher. He walked to her and kissed her cheek, while grabbing a hold of her waist. "Can i suggest something?" He whisperd. She hummed in agreement, looking at him with the side of her eyes. "We'll wrap the gifts togheter while we eat cookies and watch a cheesy christmas movie."

She smiled big and turned around to kiss him. "Sounds amazing." She said. A couple hours later, all the gifts were ready. It was a little after 1 pm and they still had some time left before Alya and Nino came. Marinette and Adrien cuddeled underneath a blanket as they finished their movie and drank their chocolate milk. Adrien moaned making Mari look at him with wide eyes. "Babe, you're really gonna have to tell me one day how you make your chocolate milk so delicious." He told her. She laughed. "Love" She simply answered and winked at him. He chuckeld and pulled her body closer by her waist to kiss her temple.

"Should we set up the table?" He asked. She nodded and threw the blanket from her lap. Before getting up. Adrien put their dirty dishes away as Marinette carefully placed all the plates on the table. Sudden cries came out off the babyphone. Adrien came over to her and kissed her head. "I'll go get Emma." He whisperd. "Could you put on her dress? It's on our bed." She asked him as she decorated the table.

Adrien nodded and walked up the stairs as Marinette finished the table. 10 minutes later, Adrin came downstairs wearing a black suit with Emma in his arms. Marinette was already making dinner when she noticed the blonds coming down. " Oh there's my beautiful girl!!" She exclaimed, grabbing her into her arms and cuddeled her close. She placed a kiss on her head before reaching to kiss her husband. "You look handsome." She smiled and he winked back at her. He reached to pat her ass. "I'll continue here. Go get ready." He said. She hummed and went upstairs too.

She grabbed her new black dress she made special for christmas. She put on the dress and softly curled her hair. She put on a little mascara and lipstick before she joined her family downstairs.

Emma was sitting in her chair again admiring the lights of the christmas tree as Adrien sat down snacks on the coffee table. Adrien turned his head as he heard her come downstairs. Adrien held his hand to his chest. "Wow you look stunning, princess." He exclaimed walking towards her, holding out both his hands. She smiled as she reached for them and he put both of them to his lips to kiss them. "You say that every time i dress up." She told him. He planted a kiss on her cheek. "Well you do look stunning all of the time." He winked at her. 

Her cheeks got red and he chuckeld, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. "After all those years, i still can get you flustered." He smirked down at her. She gained back her confidence and wrapped her arms around his neck. "For a gentleman, you have a big ego, kitty cat." She said in a flirty voice. Adrien smirked back at her before kissing her deeply, placing his hand on the back of her head. 

Emma let out a little scream from behind them making them pull. "Sweetie, can you let daddy kiss mommy for one moment?" Adrien said to Emma who giggeld. "I think she's jealous. She wants kisses too." Marinette whisperd into his ear. Adrien laughed and let go off his wife to grab his daughter. He peppered her face with kisses, making both his girls laugh. The doorbell rang catching their attention. "It's time to stop the kisses, guys. Our guests arrived." 

Adrien grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "Now don't get jealous, little lady." Marinette rolled her eyes and booped his nose. "Go get the door, chaton!" She exclaimed. 

Alya and Nino entered the house and they all spend an amazing christmad togheter. And both Emma and Marinette got enough kisses. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas was 5 days ago but anyway. 

I really wanted to post this chapter earlier but i was weirdly busy. I'm only planning on making a new year's special and already started it but tmr it's new year's eve party at our home and i have to help and on new year's day i have to visit family.

Also bad new, tomorrow morning my cat has to go under an echo bcs she has something on her heart. So wishing for the best rn.

Now i'm going to sleep cause i'm so tired. 

Let me know if you liked it! <33

Word count: 1240

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