you make these days better

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Marinette layed peacefully on Adrien's chest, listening to his heartbeat while he gently ran his hand trough her hair. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "We're gonna have to get up some time, m'lady." He whisperd. She whined and rolled more on top of him, still not opening her eyes. "No" She pouted. He chuckeld and layed kisses on the side of her face. 

He let her lay a couple more minutes before looking at the clock on the nightstand. It was really late and he was supposed to leave for his photoshoot in 10 minutes. So he slipped his arms under her thighs and picked her up as he stood up from the bed. She giggeld into his neck as he carried her to the bathroom and sat her next to the sink. 

He moved her hair out of her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she smiled and finally opened her eyes. "Do you want to go to my photoshoot with me?" He asked. She stroke her hand down his chest. "If that means i got to stay with you, yes." She simply answered as she jumped of the counter. "Then we have to get ready. We have to leave soon." He told her. She nodded her head and started walking away as adrien softly patted her ass. She looked back at him with a glare but he just smirked.

Adrien got into the clothes Nathalie had layed out for him as Mari got ready next to him. She wore a cute pink shirt, matching it with a white blouse and cute pink converse. He watched her amused as he fixed the sleeves of her shirt and she applied a little mascara. He walked toward her and put his arms around her. He nuzzled his head into her neck and placed a light kiss on it causing her to giggle. 

"You look beautiful." He whisperd. She turned around into his arms to wrap hers around his neck. She stood on her toes to reach up and kiss him deeply. He hummed responding to her and kissing back. She pulled away soon to grab his wrist and check his watch. "C'mon." She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the bathroom. "We have to leave." 

The couple made their way downstairs and saw the door already open. Nathalie looked up from tablet and walked towards. "Just on time. All the instructions will be giving by the photographer." She said before she wished both of them a good day and they went outside. Gorilla opened the car door and Adrien, being the gentleman he is, let her get in first before he followed. 

The whole ride was filled with hand holding, flirty pick up lines from Adrien who made Marinette laugh. As they arrived, Mari had to push his chest away to take his lips of hers. She giggeld and dragged him out of the car. He closed the door and pushed her against the car, not caring if anyone saw them. "I don't want to do this." He pouted. She reached up and stroke his cheek. "Chaton, it's only for an hour or two, in your breaks i'll be right here and after we can do anything we want togheter, alright?" She cheered him up. He smiled, gratefully and leaned down to peck her lips. "I got so lucky with you." He whisperd. 

She winked as he started pulling her away from the car. He walked towards the building and went to where he had to be. He walked inside, not letting go of her hand. The photographer clapped his hands and walked towards as he noticed them come in. "Adrien! Thank god you're here!" He exclaimed. Adrien smiled. "Hey Vincent, this is my girlfriend, Marinette." He proudly introduced. Vincent smirked and shook her head. "I have heard a lot about you." He said. 

Adrien blushed a little. "Well we're gonna start in two minutes, so if you want to say goodbye or something, do it now." Vincent said before he went back to his camera. Adrien chuckeld and turned to his girlfriend. "Aww so i'm not the only one who talks excitedly about the other? The girls are getting to annoyed with me." She pouted. He grinned widely. "I can't seem to stop." 

Vincent called everyone on set and Adrien gave her one last kiss before he went to work. Marinette took place at a bench in the back where she could still see him. She pulled out her sketchbook and started drawing while sometimes casually looking up to check out her boyfriend. 

An half hour later, vincent spoke up. "Alright! 10 minutes break and another half hour after that." He exclaimed. Adrien made his way back to her. He took place next to her and she ran her hand trough his hair. "What are you drawing, gorgeous?" He asked. She showed him her book and he looked at it. "Some rough designs. I came up with them in math class today." She told him. He laughed. "And you keep wondering why you're failing math." He joked, throwing her a wink She giggeld. "Yeah. Maybe i should start paying attention."

Adrien gave back her sketchbook. "They're wonderful, Mari." She gave him a kiss as a thanks. The lovebirds were so busy chatting that the ten minutes flew away and quickly Vincent called him back. He took a deep breath and looked at his girlfriend. "30 minutes and then i'm all yours." She told him, trying to cheer him up. He chuckeld amused and kissed her nose. "You're always mine." He whisperd. Marinette couldn't help but get flustered. She had gotten really comfortable around him but still wasn't used to all his flirts. Adrien returned back to his sport, grinning from ear to ear. 

The 30 minutes felt like hours to Adrien but finally Vincent said. "Okay that's all for today! Great job, people." Adrien went back to his girl who was packing up her things. She held out her hand as he took it and they left the building togheter. They decided to take a walk along the Seine and after go drink a cup of hot chocolatemilk. Marinette rested her head against his shoulder as he held her arms tightly around her, keeping her warm. "God, it's so cold." Marinette complained, blowing hot air into her hands. He hummed. "Yeah but you make days like this better." He whisperd. 

She stopped walking to turn to him. She gently pulled on his scarf, just to place a kiss on his lips. She pulled away and saw the big grin on his face. She giggeld as he started preppering her face with kiss. She pushed him away. "C'mon let's go warm up with some chocolate milk." She winked as Adrien got a smile on his face as big as the one a kids gets when they walk into a candy shop. Marinette laughed loudly and he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the closets cafe. 

I wrote most of this during class and i got a test tomorrow so that will go great!

Also i just want to say that this probably will be the last chapter i upload until 21th of december. I'm starting my exams next week and i have them two full weeks. I caught myself spending more time writing than doing homework and we can't have that :/

Next chapter will be uploaded in a couple minutes ;) <3

Word count: 1255

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