First word

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i know y'all want smut but i'm not really in the mood to write smut. I'm really sorry...

Here's something cute i came up with when i was in class lol

Marinette stood in the kitchen as she made food. Emma was sitting in her chair, chewing on her toy. Mari chuckeld at her and ruffled her golden locks. She was 14 months old and was the cutest thing on earth. 

Mari heard the door unlock and open. A big smile appeared on Emma's face as she saw Adrien walk into the room. Adrien gasped fakely and smiled back. He ran to her and picked her and spun her around as the little girl giggeld. "There's my little princess." He exclaimed as he blowed a raspberry on her cheek. Emma smiled and laughed loudly. 

Marinette chuckeld and shook her head. The relation between Emma and Adrien is the most precious thing she has ever seen. She placed the food on the table before turning to her husband who was putting Emma back in her chair. She put her hand on his shoulder and he looked like her. "i thought i was your princess." She fakely pouted as him. He chuckeld and grabbed her waist. "Aww don't worry. You're still my favorite." He said before he kissed her passionately. She smiled into the kiss and kissed her back before wrapping his arms around her neck. They pulled away. 

"C'mon dinner is ready." She said and they took their place at the table. They started eating but after a couple miutes, adrien bought up a conversation. "So uhm about last night..." He began but she cut him off "Kitty we've been over this. We're not getting a cat." She told him. He pouted and whined. "Why not?" He asked. Plagg flew up to his head. "Am i not enough for you?" He said, huffing. Adrien raised his eyebrow and looked at his kwami. "Cats don't beg for camembert like every 10 minutes." He spat back. Plagg mumbled something as he flew back to Tikki who was giggeling. "Can we pleaassseee get a cat? " He asked with the kitty eyes. Marinette laughed lightly and looked down and wanted to answer but someone cut her off. 

"Cat" Emma said excitedly swinging her toy around. Both Marinette and Adrien froze on the spot before looking at their daughter. "Excuse me?" Marinette asked her eyes widend. Adrien stood up and walked to Emma. "What did you just say?" He asked her. Emma looked confused. "Cat." She said with a smile again. Both their jaws dropped as they looked at each other and smiled.

"Omg Emma!" Adrien exclaimed as he picked her up and pulled her close. Marinette laughed and joined the two. She hugged Emma and sniffeld. "Pff you're getting big already' she whisperd. Adrien chuckeld and kissed her temple. "Yea" He whisperd back.

"Omg wait" he exclaimed and gave Emma to his wife. She looked confused as he ran to his phone. "Kitty what are you doing?" She asked laughing. He dialed a number and held the phone to his ear. "I'm calling Nino!" He exclaimed loudly and smiled. Marinette shook her head. "Oh my god." She said as she looked at Emma and rolled her eyes wich made her giggle. "Dude" Adrien yelled into the phone. "BRO" A voice came from the other side of the line.  "Dude, Emma just said her first word." He told him. "Wait what!" A woman's voice on the background exclaimed. "What did she say?!" Nino asked. Adrien took a deep breath before telling it. "Cat" He said with a proud face. 

Alya and Nino laughed loudly and clapped. "Hahah congrats buddy. That's amazing" He said to him. Adrien looked really proud and it made marinette smile. Not long after Adrien hang up and he got back to his family. "She said cat, Mari, CAT!" He exclaimed. "Yes i know love. I was here." She told him. He kissed Emma's cheek before kissing all over Mari's face. She giggeld and grabbed his cheek as he placed his lips on her. She kissed him back and pulled away after a good minute. "So can we now get a cat?" He asked pouting. Marinette laughed lightly and stroke his cheek. "I'll think about it" She told him. 

I know it's short guys but i'll start writing the new chapter after this is uploaded i promise!


okay who has seen the new episode? Mr. Pigeon 72? I saw it like 8 hours ago and i'm still in shock. THE UMBRELLA SCENE WAS SO ADORABLE OMG SO I HAVE LIKE A THEORY. You know that like in the normal umbrella scene that the umbrella closed only over Marinette. Wel now it closed over both of them so now the feelings won't be one-sided. Soooo our adrienette is coming y'all. The fact that he was to busy looking at her so he bumped his head against the car. Pls sunshine PPLLEAAASEEE REALISEE YOU LOVE HERRRR

Also i'm so proud of my baby for asking him to walk home w her. I really hope he's gonna make her happy bcs she deserves it. 

I also love kagami so much like the 'they're made for each other' BABBYYY OMGGG I LOVE YOUUU AND YOU DESERVE THE WHOLE WORLD

Sorry for my ramble, i needed to let it out lmao. 

See you guys soon byeee <3

Words: 900

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