10 years us

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Marinette walked into her office and immediatly noticed the big boquet full of red roses on her desk. She smiled to herself and walked towards, grabbing the card attached to it. 

'Happy anniversairy, m'lady. I love you so much. I planned us an amazing night so leave work early, wear your favorite dress and I'll pick you up. There might be another surprise at home. Don't worry about Emma, she's with your parents <3

Yours, Adrien'

Marinette smiled and held the card to her heart. After all those years he still was so romatic to her. Today they celebrated their 10 year anniversairy. They have been dating for 10 years and they were still as in love with each other. They got married when they were 21 and 2 years later, they had Emma. Now Marinette is 15 weeks pregnant with their second child. 

Marinette finished her day at work and left at 5 pm. She asked her secretary to send some papers to her colleagues and lock her office before she went down to leave the building. She got into her car and drove home. She soon entered her house and immediatly noticed the silence inside. She placed her bag down and put her coat away before she went upstairs to their bedroom to get ready. 

She noticed a box on her bed and saw the Louis Vuitton logo. Her mouth dropped as she ran towards it. "No he did not!' She mumbled to herself as she opened the box. Inside were a gorgeous pair of heels. She saw them last week and maybe stared at them a little too long. He must have noticed. 

Beside the box was laying one single red rose. She smiled and put it in a vase with all the other roses she constantly gets from him. She went to her walk in closet and grabbed one of her dresses who matched perfectly with her new heels. She put on her dress and aplied some make up. She ran a brush trough her hair and put a clam in her hair before she wore her heels. She put her wallet, phone and Adrien's gift inside her other purse before checking her phone. No messages from Adrien. She frowned and walked to window looking outside. 

There was standing a black fancy car in front of the door and she got just in time a text. 

She opened the door, locked it before getting into the car

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She opened the door, locked it before getting into the car. Even after she asked the driver were they were going, he wouldn't answer her. After 10 minutes, the car stopped and she looked outside. She gasped and almost got tears into her eyes. The door opened for her and she stepped outside before turning around and looking at the little italian restaurant. The restaurant of their first date 10 years ago.

Foot steps beside her made her turn her head. Adrien stepped out of the shadows, wearing the suit she designed for him. Marinette smiled and whiped away a tear under her eye. Adrien chuckeld and grabbed a hold of her hand before bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on it. Marinette bit her lip before moving her hands to his chest. She shook her head and laughed. "What am i gonna do with you?" She asked amused. Adrien smirked. "Kiss me, i hope." He replied. Marinette didn't waste anymore time so she grabbed the side of his vest to pull him close and placed her lips upon his. Adrien smiled into the kiss and moved his hands into her hair, deeping the kiss. Marinette pulled away and leaned their foreheads against each other. 

"You got some lipstick." She whisper causing him to laugh. She gave him a tissue to whipe it away before he concentrated on her again. "How are little friend down here doing?" He asked her, laying his hand on her belly and rubbed it with his thumb. She looked down and giggeld. "Good, i do have a lot of hunger tho but i don't know if that's just from my pregnancy."

Adrien grabbed a hold of her hand and walked her towards the entrance of the restaurant. "Then let's get you some food huh." He said and opened the door. He told the waiter on wich name he made a reservation before he brought them to their table. Adrien pulled her chair from under the table for her before she sat down. He got seated himself before reaching for her hand, rubbing her palm with his thumb. "You look gorgeous. You like your new heels?" He asked. 

She nodded and squeezed his hand. "I love them. Thank you, chaton." He kissed her hand. "Anything for u." He whisperd. Marinette gasped and pulled away. "Talking about gifts..." She began as she reached for her purse before pulling something out and giving it to him. He wrapped open the paper and inside was box. Adrien looked up at her curious but she smiled back at him, clearly excited. He opened it and got immediatly speechless.

Inside were two little bracelettes with charms. The bigger one was pink, the smallest blue. "I-a-are those lucky charm bracelettes?" He looked up at her with tears in his eyes. She nodded. "A-and the second one is blue so?" He continued. Marinette laughed about how he acted and nodded. "Yes, kitty. We're having a boy." 

Adrien quickly got from his chair and grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her passionate. Marinette hummed into the kiss and kissed him back. Adrien pulled away and placed a long kiss on her forehead before leaving his lips there for a second. "You are the most wonderful wife and person ever. I got so lucky to have you." He whisperd. Marinette whiped away his tears and smiled. "I love you so much, Adrien." She whisperd back. He kissed her again before mumbling against her lips: "I love you more, princess." 

After thanking her thousand times, he went back to his seat. Almost two hours later, they left the restaurant. Marinette turned to her husband and grabbed a hold of both his hands. "Thank you for everything." She whisperd. He brushed a hair out of her face to behind her ear. "You're more than welcome, my love."  He whisperd to her before placing a kiss on her cheek. He pulled away and smirked. "Soo you want to go back home?" He asked wiggeling his eyebrows. 

Marinette laughed and grinned back at him before gently pushing him towards the car. "I don't remeber doing that 10 years ago." She teased him. Adrien playfully rolled his eyes and pulled her close by her waist. "So?" He asked. Marinette giggeld and placed a kiss on his lips before dragging him into the car. "C'mon." she said, winking causing Adrien to happily follow her. 

I'm actually really proud of this chapter! I will probably make a smut chapter about this in my other book. 

Also can u guys ask me some questions? I want to do a Q&A because i keep getting the same question in my inbox so ask me anything! About myself, my books,...

Have a great day i love you all and yeah byee <33

Word count: 1218

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