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Nino groaned loudly as he read something on his phone. Adrien looked up from his homework and looked at his bestfriend, laughing. "Dude! You're meant to do your homework. Not play videogames on your phone." He told him with a amusing grin. Nino shook his head. "I'm not playing videogames. I just got a mail from Netflix that my subscription is over! And I don't have enough money to buy for more months cause I just bought a new headset." He exclaimed, making a sad face. Adrien raised an eyebrow. "Then just use mine." He responded. 

Nino looked at him with hope. "Really? You serious?" He asked in disbelief. Adrien chuckeld and nodded. "Yeah, ofcourse. I'll just give you my password." Adrien said reaching for a paper in his drawer. Nino cheered and clapped his hands. "You're the best bro!" He exclaimed as Adrien wrote down something on the paper before he fold it in two.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he gave it to Nino. Nino raised an eyebrow at how weird he was acting. He grabbed the paper and and opened it before bursting out in laughter. Adrien rolled his eyes at him. "I can just change it and not share it with you!" He yelled. Nino calmed down and held up his hands. "I'll stop. I'll stop." He replied.

Adrien nodded and turned back to his homework. Meanwhile Nino was trying to contain his laughter. "Dude, why is your password 'Marinette'?" He asked. Adrien slammed his head against the table and groaned while Nino stood up and laughed. "You love her! I knew it! I fucking knew it!' He exclaimed loudly. Adrien quickly looked up at him. "i-i d-don't love her" He stuttered, his face turning red. Nino smirked and got closer to him. "Then why are you all red?" He asked? Adrien looked away and huffed. "Stress." He replied. 

Nino sat back down and continued his homework. "Whatever you say, man" He mumbled, grabbing his pen. 5 seconds were silent until Nino interuppted again. "You love her." 

"Get out!" 


 The next day, Adrien joined Alya and Nino at the table for lunch. "Hey dude. I really don't mind you using my netflix account but you don't have to give it out to everyone." He told nino before looking at Alya, who nervously laughed. "Sorry sunshine. I always used Nino's anyway." She said. Adrien laughed and took a bite of his lunch. "It's alright." He answered her, getting a thank you from Alya. 

"Why is your password 'marinette'?" Alya asked, grinning. Adrien layed down his fork and groaned. "No you too." He mumbled. 

Alya slammed her hands on the table. "Yes me too!" She exclaimed, coming closer to his face. "Why is your password the name of my bestfriend?" She asked, going full detective mode. Adrien backed away, a little scared. "I-i just n-needed a random password." He defended himself but you could read from his face that he was lying. Alya leaned back in her seat and shook her head. "No no no you like her!" Alya exclaimed, pointing a finger at him. 

"Who likes who?" A voice asked from behind them, making them all turn around and see Marinette standing there. She held her books in her hand and looked at them, smiling. She let her hair loose and it fell down perfect on her shoulders. Her beautiful blue eyes spark-wow! Get a grip Agreste!

Marinette sat down next to him with a questioning face. Adrien looked at his bestfriends for help. "Adrien knows who Kim has a crush on and he won't tell us!" Alya quickly lied causing Adrien to mouth a thank you. Marinette gasped and laughed. "Kim has a crush?!" She exclaimed. Alya hummed and nodded. Marinette looked at Adrien. "Who?" She asked. Adrien placed his lips upon each other. "Nope. Not telling anyone." Marinette pouted. "Not even me?" She asked but Adrien shook his head. 


Class was finally done and Nino and Alya had already left. Adrien was still waiting outside and Marinette was in the locker room, putting away some books. She came outside and saw Adrien standing against the wall. She smiled and went towards him. "Hey Adrien." She greeted him, cheerful. Adrien looked up from his phone and smiled. "Hey M" He replied as she leaned on the wall next to him. 

"Can i ask something?" She asked. Adrien looked at her and chuckeld. "No i won't tell you who Kim's crush is." He told her. Marinette giggeld. "No that wasn't my question." She replied. She played with her fingers and bit her lip. "Could i also share your netflix account?" She asked. Adrien couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. 

"Ofcourse you can, Mari. You know that's not an issue." He told her. Marinette smiled big. "Thank you so much." She said. Adrien rubbed the back of his head. "My password is rather embarresing tho." He mumbled to her. Marinette giggeld. "Mine was netflix123 i mean" She laughed. Adrien leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "Uh i-it's your name." 

Marinette mouth stood open as a blush appeared on her cheek. "M-my name?" She asked. Adrien nodded embarressed. Mari chuckeld. "Mostly people use their crush's name as password." She told him with a small grin on her face. Adrien could feel his face heat up and before he could even answer a car honked from behind him. Marinette smiled at him. "That's your ride. I'll see you tomorrow then." She said before quickly walking away. 

Adrien stood there in shock as he looked at the bluenette walking away. Another honk was heard, pulling him out of his bubble. He turned around and got into the car. 'Oh shit' He thought


Tikki appeared from underneath Marinette's vest as she entered her room. "Wow Marinette! Since when do you have so much confidence?" The little kwami asked. Marinette grabbed a pillow. "I have no idea!" She exclaimed before loudly screaming into it. 

Headcanon i came up with :))

Okay i'm so sorry for taking so long normally i would have posted on monday but i accidentaly deleted it... it's a very sad story


It was so fucking crazy! I can't wait for part 2 of the finale(12 march i think)

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Word count: 1068

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