Chapter Nineteen.

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As I was making the food I felt eyes on me. I turned to the side and saw Pein and who im guessing Conan looking at me.

"Can I help you?"

"What are you doing?" Pein asked.

"Making Ramen. Is that a problem?"


"Just because y'all are criminals, doesn't mean you can't eat." I stated turning back to the pork, and slicing it.

"You don't have to cook for us." I looked back up at Conan and smiled warmly.

"I just showed up out of nowhere and refused to leave. I think the least I can do is cook." I told her. "Plus, I have a bad feeling that none of them can." I jerked my head to the other guys and once again turned back to the pork. I put the pork into the chicken broth and let it simmer. I chopped up the spring onions and softly boiled up the eggs for each person.


I plated up each bowl filled with ramen and set them on the counter, each having their own set of chopsticks.

"Ramens ready!" Instantly, Deidara, Kisame and Hidan grabbed a bowl each and sat back down on the couch.

I stepped to the side to let everyone else grab their bowls and when everyone except Pein and Conan had grabbed their bowls, they took their own.

"You made this?" I looked over my shoulder and saw the rest of the members looking at me.

"Yeah, why?"

"It's good."

"It's just ramen." I told Kisame-san.

"But it's good Ramen." Deidara countered.

"Where'd you learn to cook like this?" Itachi-nii asked.

"I used to stay out late and come home when everyone else was sleeping. I had to learn to cook for myself." I explained then ate some of my ramen.

"So, you're not only a good fighter but a good chef?" Kisame asked.

"I wouldn't call myself a chef, Kisame-san. It's just ramen. It's not like im gonna save the world with it."

"What do you specialise in?" Conan asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"What Ninja style di you use?"

"Fuinjutsu and Kenjutsu. I'm pretty good at NinJutsu and GenJustu and stuff like that but I don't use it much. I only really use NinJutsu when im in close range." I explained.

"Who taught you Fuinjutsu?"

"Books and ANBU records."

"Who taught you Kenjutsu?"

"Myself and books."

"Yourself? How?"

"I would sneak into the forest of death and watch the ANBU train. After that, I would replay what I saw in my head, analyse it then copy it."

"Like the Sharingan?"

"Sort of." I told them. "It takes more time than the Sharingan and it also doesn't take up Chakra. It's just me overthinking and seeing how if I did something differently, how would it turn out? Its just basic deduction skills." I said shrugging.

"No one is just born with deduction skills. They have to train." Pein said in a sour tone.

"Well, I've been training my entire life, so I guess that covers it."

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