Chapter eight

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Raiden's POV.

I climbed out of the small river, soaking wet and panting heavily.

"Damn it!" I shouted. "What the hell am I doing wrong?!"

I laid with my back on the ground next to the small river and shut my eyes. I had been at this for a few hours now and I still couldn't figure out what to do.

I begrudgingly stood back up and focused my chakra to my feet.

I stepped onto the water and tried to make my chakra flow with the water instead of against it.

I shut my eyes waiting to fall into the water like I had done so many times before but nothing happened.

I slowly opened one eye and saw I was standing completely fine on the surface of the water. I then opened my other eye and tried to walk. I walked around the river for a little while just to try and practice it then went off to find Kakashi. I found him sitting alone in the woods reading one of his books.


"Yo." Kakashi greeted.

"So, what do I do now?"

"Take your shirt off."


"Take you-"

"I heard you. But, why?"

"Because you need to put dry bandages on. That's why."

I made an 'o' face and did as he said. I cut the bandages off from my abdomen and took out some more gauze and another bandage. I also brought out a change of clothes and a rag to dry the wound.

I dried the wound and wrapped it with the bandage and gauze. After I did that I put on the dry shirt and dry pants.

I put my wet clothes and wet bandage into separate scrolls then looked at Kakashi.

"So, what now?"

"You meditate."


"To relax. You can't put too much strain on your body or else you will end up in the same state I'm in or worse." He explained. "And also, it helps to calm your chakra down."

I sighed and sat with my back against a tree. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing down. I then focussed on slowing my chakra down so it wasn't pulsing through my body so quickly.

After I did that, I thought of Itachi. I pictured him in my mind and spoke. 'Itachi?'

'Raiden. I didn't think I'd hear from you so soon.'

'I'm supposed to be meditating but I thought I'd try to contact you.'

'Ok, well, if that's all-'



'When you said that you could see what's going on around me through Shisui's eye, can I do the same?'

He seemed to think for a moment.

'I'm not sure. Maybe when you awaken your Sharingan you will be able to. It's only thanks to my Sharingan and the great bond I had with Shisui that I can see around you.' I nodded.

'And, is there any way I can use the Sharingan right now without awakening it?'

'Yes. There is. Funnel some of your Chakra to the eye on your leg. When you look around, most things will probably become clearer. Sharper. Things will move almost as if they're in slow motion.' He explained. 'I don't think the Sharingan will take up so much of your Chakra. Don't ask me why, because I couldn't give you the answer. I just have a feeling.'

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