Chapter eleven

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Today was the day. It was Thursday and the plan was about to be put into action.

Well, other than Naruto. We let him sleep since he was up most of last night training, Inari snapped again and Naruto had found a new form of determination saying that he was going to show him that heroes do exist.

We just arrived on the bridge and just as I planned, the workers were unconscious and there was fog covering the bridge.

"What happened here?!"

I quickly ran over to one of the workers to make it believable and checked their pulse. I let out a fake sigh and looked towards my team.

"They're fine. Just unconscious."

"This mist," Kakashi muttered.

"Sasuke, Sakura, Raiden. Get ready."

We surrounded Tazuna and drew our Kunai. Well, I drew my katana but the others did.

"I knew he was still alive," Kakashi concluded. 'Same here, sensei.' I thought. "You just couldn't wait for round two."

"Kakashi-sensei? It's Zabuza, isn't it?" My twin asked. You could hear the worry in her voice but it wasn't very prominent. "This is his hidden mist Jutsu."

"Sorry I kept you waiting, Kakashi." We heard a voice say. "I see you've still got those beats with you. That one's still trembling. How pitiful."

Then, Zabuza clones appeared before us. I saw a smirk appear In Sasuke face but I paid no heed to it.

"I'm trembling with-" he paused. "Excitement."

Zabuza's eyebrows furrowed.

"Go on Sasuke." Kakashi said proudly.

In an instant, the clones were noting but puddles of water and Sasuke was back where he stood.

"Ooh, so you could see they were water clones huh?" He then came into view with Haku and spoke again. "The brats improving. Look's like you've got another rival Haku."

"So it seems."

"Well, well. It seems I got it right. It was all an act." Kakashi spoke.

"I could've told you that," I muttered under my breath earning a glare from my sensei.

"An act?" Tazuna asked.

"Yeah, with a cute little mask," I spoke. I couldn't let the others have all of the glory.

"Big phoney," Sasuke said.

"So, I guess all that about being a tracker ninja and protecting his village was just a load of bull." Tazuna sneered.

"They look pretty chummy to me." Kakashi started. "It look's like they've been pulling scams like that for a long time." 'Yeah, and you guys are in another scam right now.' I thought, trying to suppress a laugh from escaping my lips. I quickly turned it into a cough to save myself though.

"He's got some nerve facing us after that trick he pulled," Sakura stated.

"And hiding behind a mask," Kakashi added. "Who does he think he's fooling?"

"Speak for yourself, sensei." Sakura and I said at the same time.

"That's it. I'm taking him out." Sasuke said. I almost burst out laughing at his remark. 'As if you could take down Haku.' "Who does he think he is fooling? Hiding behind that mask, like some sort of clown."

"Sasuke! You're so cool!" My twin gushed.

Kakashi and I shared a pained look before looking at my twin then back towards the two 'enemies'.

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