Chapter two.

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I opened the door to the roof and was questioned by the blonde blob and my twin.

"Where were you?!" Blondie asked.

"Getting food."

"Did you get lost on your way back?"

"No. I had to wait on it cooking first." I answered my twin as I sat down next to them.

"Introduce yourself." Our sensei ordered me.

"Ok, I'm guessing the others already have?"

He nodded.

"I'm Haruno Raiden, I like training and my twin. My dislikes are people who hurt the ones I love. My hobbies are training and I dont have a dream."

The others except our sensei looked at me stunned.

"How'd you know what to say?" My pink-haired twin asked.

"He said introduce yourself. It was pretty self-explanatory."

"Ok, then what did we say?" The blonde blob asked sassily.

I thought about it for a moment before answering.

"You talked about ramen and being the Hokage, Sakura talked about ducky," I was cut off from wack to the head courtesy of my sister. "As I was saying, and Sasuke talked about his revenge."

"What about me?" Our sensei asked.

"You didn't tell them anything other than your name."

The others looked shocked.

"There's no way you could know all that! Believe it!"

"I'm also really curious about how you knew that because you weren't spying on us when we all spoke." The silver-headed jonin said.

"Just a gut feeling."

His eyebrow furrowed but soon relaxed as a look of realisation flashed over his face. Or what you could see of his face.

"We'll meet tomorrow morning at training grounds seven. Be there for five. And bring your ninja tools."

"Oooh. What are we doing?"

"Dont get too excited blondie," I warned.

"We'll be doing a survival exercise."

"Huh? But we did those at the academy sensei."

"This is different. You will be going against me."

Then the man started laughing a maniacal laugh.

"What's so funny? Why are you laughing?"

"If I tell you, you won't like it." He answered.

"Just tell us." The blonde ordered.

"Out of the twenty-eight graduates, only nine will actually become Genin.  Meaning there's a seventy percent chance you'll fail."

Everyone's faces dropped to a look of shock. Except for mine.

'I'll fail so the others can become Genin.' I thought.

'Don't be stupid. Let the blonde kid fail.'  My Narcissistic personality, Narci, said.

I was taken from my inner conversation by a cloud of smoke.

I looked around and saw that my new teammates were walking away and my sensei was gone.

I jogged to catch up with my twin and saw she was upset.

My big brother instincts sent alarm bells ringing in my head.

"What's wrong?" I instantly asked causing her to jump slightly. She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes.

Haruno Raiden (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now