Chapter twenty-one.

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"Raiden, get out of here." Kashi ordered as the two Rouge ninjas came into view.

"What?! To fuck with that! I'm going absolutely nowhere!"

"Now is not the time to be stubborn, Raiden." He growled.

"Well, too bad." I jumped down from the tree branch only to wince.

"You can't even jump without hurting yourself, now go!"

"I'll be fine, geez, have some faith in me." I said waving off their worries.

"You should listen to your sensei, Raiden, you could get hurt." Itachi-nii said in a taunting tone. I knew by the way he was looking at me though that he meant it.

"You see, Itachi, I didn't listen to you when I was younger, what makes you think I'm going to listen to you now?" I asked playing along with the mannerism of the situation. He fake glared holes through me and was about to catch me in a Genjutsu but I quickly averted my gaze. I learned to read his movements when I was with the Akatsuki, not completely, but I knew by the way his finger twitched slightly when he was about to use his Tsukuyomi. "A word of warning, do not look him in the eyes. You'll be tortured for days and perhaps even weeks." I told the Jonin sensei's that stood closely behind me.

"Then how do we fight him?" I heard Kurenai ask.

"Look at his feet. Watch the way he stands, it will give you clues to what he'll do." Gai informed. I was impressed. Not a lot of people could think of that.

"Gai, Kurenai, you take fish-face, Kakashi, Asuma, we'll take Mr grouchy face here."

"What'd you call me, Brat?!" Kisame-san growled. I simply shrugged with a smirk.

"Why did you chose that specific combo?" Itachi-nii inquired.

"It would be useless for Kurenai to fight against you. You have the Sharingan and the Mangekyō at that. Her expertise are Genjutsu and such but you would easily out-do her. Fish-face, however, isn't as good in genjutsu as Kurenai, yes his partner may be an Uchiha but that stands for nothing. Gai has impeccable speed, reflexes and flexibility mainly of which Fish boy over there lacks." I explained before continuing. "Now, for Itachi, though none of you two are as good as Itachi when it comes to Genjutsu either, but you are both close-range fighters. Kashi also knows Grouchy's fighting style as they were in ANBU together."

"Then what about you? It seems pretty stupid for a twelve-year-old to go up against an experienced ninja." Kisame-san stated with a smirk thinking he had caught me out.

"I grew up watching Itachi's every move, analysing him, copying him, that's how I knew to look away earlier. He was going to cast a Genjutsu on me." I smirked at the shocked look on all of the others' faces. Well, except Itachi-nii, I couldnt actually look him in the face. "Oh, and be careful, he doesn't always have to look you in the eye to cast a genjutsu." I warned.

And so, the fight commenced. I was being careful to not rip my stitches whilst using Taijutsu against Itachi. Itachi had put Kakashi in a genjutsu earning a glare from me and causing me to run straight at him but he disappeared from my of sight before I could reach him.

"Raiden look out!" I looked too late and ended up being caught in the Tsukuyomi. The world around me turned red with black crosses, each one having one of me pinned to it.

"Really Itachi? Really?" I asked with a dead-panned expression.

"You talk too much, you know that?" I chuckled whilst nodding.

"What are you even doing here?"

"I heard about the third Hokage but Kisame and I are here on official orders."

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