Chapter 28 - Aftermath

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Lady Chat sat in the pew of a private  court room listening to her mother be cross examined by Lila's defense attorney, claiming that the only reason Marinette Agreste was testifying against Miss. Rossi was because the two had a long standing feud. Of course, the entire family knew that this wasn't true. Yes, there was a feud between the two women, but that had been settled years ago. By the time the trial hit two hours, everyone had testified against Lila. Of course, Adrien's and Marinette's weren't aloud to pass until they proved they had been Ladybug and Chat Noir. Emma and Hugo were excused from revealing their identities as they were still involved in hero work and merely teenagers. The two had been excused to the bathroom with their parents, transforming there and handing off the miraculous to the respective parent. The adults met outside, exchanged miraculous' and went back to the courtroom, transforming before the judge. With their stories proved, another round of exchanges happened before the family returned again. After, the judge took his time deliberating, everyone was excused, but to be back in an hour. As the four stepped out, Adrien was reminded of the last time he had to do this. Though the wound had healed and scarred over, it was quite easily ripped open. However, it wasnt as bad as he thought it would be. At the time Adrien had only been 18. He was 38 now, Gabriel had been in jail for 20 years. Was now as good as any to forgive the man? This wasn't the only time that the thought crossed his mind though. When he married Marinette a few months later, or when each of his kids were born, the idea of learning to forgive his father had entered his mind. All those times he shoved it down, recalling just how betrayed he felt by his own flesh and blood before him. Gabriel had tried to contact his son many times, but Adrien refused to respond on numerous occasions. However, today, he felt different about the idea. To not forgive his father felt childish now. Gabriel just wanted to have his family together, he was trying to bring back Adrien's mother for goodness sake. He wanted family. Compared to Lila, Gabriel had a purpose. Lila, what was the point? Though, Gabriel had failed to bring Emilie back, he still wanted family, and he regretted the fact that he had torn it further apart. Lila was just regretting the fact she got caught so quickly. All these thoughts began to make Adrien think differently. Was it time to truly start healing? Patch things up with his father? One hour later, the judge came back with a guilty verdict, condemning Lila to at least twenty years of prison. Gabriel's was for 100, but that was basically a life sentence for the older Agreste. Adrien didnt agree, but it made sense. Lila had only akumatized a few people, Gabriel had akumatized many. Regardless, Rossi was convicted of being Monarchtress, and using her abilities to terrorize Paris. With court adjourned, the Agrestes made their way home, making sure to stop by the Lahiffe's to pick up Louis. Though dissapointed for not getting to participate, Louis was happy that his older brother and sister were able to defeat their rival. That wasnt all though. Upon further discussion, Adrien and Marinette felt bad that their youngest didnt have the same privilege as his siblings. That being said, Mari had given the turtle miraculous over officially to her youngest son. What work he would get to do, no one knew. What was left for the heroes to do? All of the miraculous were now in the hands of Marinette's guardianship, so there was an absolute guarantee that another supervialln would never arise again. At least not one that used the miraculous. It was later settled that the kids could use their powers to help solve everyday crimes in the afternoons as long as their homework was finished. The police force granting the heroic teens access to classified information when higher stake cases arose. Other than that, life went on as usual. Adrien and Marinette spent their days working on Marinette's fashion brand and some times in the bakery assisting her parents. Louis pushed his way through his second to last year of middle school and with extra help from Wayzz,  managed to improve his math grade. How Wayzz was so good at pre-algebra no one knew. Hugo went on with his daily routines without a hitch. Sure every once in awhile his work as Little Bug would through a wrench into the mix, but otherwise things were easy going. Everyday, he grew closer to Cecily, the bond they shared evident to everyone around them. There was no objection between the Couffaines or the Agrestes when they two became official official. It was nice to see that the two couples could get along and didnt mind that their kids had decided to get together. Emma's days returned to normal, minus the added hero work. Most of the time goofing off as teenage girls with Jaqueline while they gossiped about boys and bad teachers. Of course, excluding Miss.Boustier. Everyone in the class liked her. She was a very sweet elderly lady that taught literature. There were no complaints about the teacher, expect when she compared them to their parents, whom she had in her earlier days of teaching. Emma and Jackie could both recall how unsurprised the woman was when she was told that they were the offspring of Nino, Alya, Adrien, and Marinette. Saying something along the lines, 'I always knew those two would get together.'. It was weird for the students, but otherwise they liked the teacher. Through later revelations, Emma discovered that many of the students ar Francois Dupon High were  the children of former students as well. One in particular was a  brun haired boy by the name of Charlie. Charlie was a quiet boy and often kept to himself meaning he was a mystery to many of the students. Emma had noticed him many times, but never felt like she needed to introduce herself or get into his space to disturb his peace. She had caught him glancing at her from time to time, but never thought anything of it. Just a passing of expressions as the two passed each other by. She had saw him again at her parent's class reunion, though again he had been hiding in a back corner keeping to himself. It was later that she found out, Charlie was the son of Ivan and Mylene Bruel. It was weird that so many of the students were somehow connected to each other just because their parents had gone to school together.  One day, Lady Chat and Little Bug found themselves staked out on a roof watching the city streets below. It was quiet and peaceful, the crisp fall air blowing in and tangling their loose hair. By the time it was starting to get late in the evening, Lady Chat and Little Bug noticed that they were late for dinner, knowing their parents would likely go into a fit of worry before too long, the pair scrambled to a dark alley to detransform. After returning to their civilian identities, Emma and Hugo made a mad dash around the corner. They were running so fast that Emma had hardly taken the corner before she slammed into another person. Causing his books to scatter to the sidewalk. 

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