Chapter 22 - Discovered

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Elliot had, had enough of everyone who had caused his mother harm. Right now, his target was Marinette Agreste. The most recent to "attack" his mother.  He began to walk through the crowd to the buffet table toward the Agrestes and the Laffifes. Immediately, both men put their wives behind them out of instinct. The champagne glass he had been holding was now his weapon.  

"You will pay for what you did to my mother Marinette Agreste. She's not as bad as she seems!" Elliot shouted swishing his glass before lifting it over his head and preparing to swing it forward  Adrien moved to cover Marinette further. That's when Elliot released a yellow  blast through the champagne glass.  Within in seconds, Nino jumped in front of his best friend with a silver tray. The beam hit the tray, and Nino used as much of his strength to hold it back. Unsure of why nothing happened, Adrien moved his arm and looked up. 


"Go dude!" Nino replied through grit teeth. After taking a moment to take in the scene, this was normal. Adrien and Marinette were in trouble, needed to escape, and Nino was the one that had their back and protected them. Alya joined the fray when she realized that Nino needed someone to back him up. Quickly the woman added as much extra strength as she could behind her man. Adrien knew every corner of this house like the back of his hand and without much effort ducked into a side room with his wife. The one room that he had hardly ever entered, his father's office.

"Aren't you a minor? That means you shouldn't be taking shots!" Lady Chat called out as she crouched on the floor of to the side of the office door, her baton in the hand of her stretched out arm. Once the blast ceased, Nino and Alya set down the tray and took off, making sure to regroup with Jaqueline on their way out. 

"Who knew Chloe would even get her own son akumatized. " Little Bug added when he finally appeared  up on the banister. Elliot lifted his eyes to see the red hero above him only making him angrier than he already was. 

"This isn't the doing of my mother! I think you need to see things from my point of view and be more understanding of the Bourgeois name!" Elliot swung his glass and fired upon Little Bug, who easily dodged the blast. Bug began to act as bait for Elliot as he lured the blasts across the room to the other side by moving along the banister. Lady Chat understood the idea and quickly snuck round back. 

"I think our kids are better than us" Adrien spoke with shock as he and his wife looked on from behind the door of Gabriel's office. 

"Of course they are. They aren't consistently distracting each other with idiodic untimely flirtatious tactics!" Marinette said harshly with her hands on her hips before striking him atop his head.

"Ow!" He replied scrunching his nose as he rubbed the injury "Hey I'm not the one that ticked off Chloe's son here." 

"You little!......" Marinette broke off her words when she realized that her husband had stopped listening to her and taken notice of something behind them. An expression of shock and curiosity appearing on his face. She turned around to see what he so was so fascinated by to stop paying attention to her.  It was easily understandable when she herself took in the view. It was her father-in-law's office. Nothing had been removed from its place making it exactly the way it had been left since she had last seen it. The black and white tiling shiny and spotless as if it had been recently cleaned. It made sense obviously since Lila lived there now, but the shocked of seeing it remained. Mari  couldn't imagine how Adrien was feeling to be standing in the very spot they had uncovered Hawkmoth's identity.  Forgetting the previous moments, Marinette walked up behind her husband and laid her hand on his shoulder comfortingly, knowing that her presence would benefit him in the moment. Adrien shifted slightly before he touched his fingers to hers acknowledging her, their silver wedding rings  briefly coming in contact as he did so. Light streamed through the windows over them, bringing another round of warm feelings to the scene. However, it was disrupted by a sudden glimmer off Marinette's hand. The diamond in her ring had picked up the light and shone like a beacon toward the portrait of Adrien's mother. To Mari's surprise, Adrien stiffened and slid her hand off his shoulder before briskly walking toward the portrait, shifting into a light jog as he reached the stairs. Lifting her dress she jogged after him. "Adrien what are you doing?" She questioned her husband as he fidled around the frame.

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