Chapter 21 - Class Reunion

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Marinette was busy working at her computer desk on some new recipes that she wanted to try while Adrien sat at the dining room table doing the paperwork for the next his next photoshoot. Emma was upstairs with Plagg attempting to get him to eat a different kind of cheese until her parents had the opportunity to go to the store and purchase more camembert. Though deep down she was already tired of smelling like the product and she had only had Plagg for a few weeks now. Louis was in his room grinding away at a new video game, while Hugo was over at Cecily's. There home was quiet this Saturday afternoon and surprisingly Paris had been calm and quiet since Ancestra's attack last week. A while week without akumas was very suspicious to the Agrestes, but they also didn't mind the peace. The stillness shattered when the computer beeped with a notification almost making Mari jump out of her seat as she yelped.

"You okay Mari?" Adrien asked worriedly as he looked up from his papers. 

"Yeah." She replied sheepishly turning back to the screen and changing tabs to her email.  Marinette opened the new message and gasped when she saw the name of the sender. Adrien looked up again.

"Your sure your alright?" Adrien asked a little fimrer than the last time. When she didn't respond he called her name questioningly. Again she didn't answer. He tried one more time, and this time she answered.

" might want to see this." Mari stuttered leaning back in her chair. A little worried Adrien set down his pencil and got up. He walked into the living room and came up behind his wife, leaning over her to look at the screen, his hands bracing him on the back of the chair. Mr. Agreste was startled when he read the name Lila Rossi. Why was Lila emailing them!?. Curious to know, the went on to read the message. 

"Oh. That makes more sense." Adrien spoke aloud. Marinette leaned forward pondering why he would say what he said.

"What?" Shs asked. Trying to find what he was talking about in the email. 

"She's just letting us know about a class reunion." Adrien informer his confused wife.

"Then why would Alya or Nino have let us know? Or anyone besides Lila?" Marinette questioned. It would have made more sense if it had come from one of their friends instead of from someone that was merely an acquaintance. Adrien scanned deeper into the email.

"Oh, that's why. She's hosting." Adrien clarified pointing to the exact sentence on the screen.

"What!?" Marinette shot up and gazed at where Adrien was pointing. Sure enough Lila was hosting the event. Though the shock was settling in, what struck Adrien was the address provided. It was the address of his old mansion. Lila was the one that had purchased the mansion!? Adrien knew that going back to the house was going to be hard on him, but he also wanted to see his friends again. It had been years since he had seen some of them, even if the lived in the area. It would even give the kids a chance to see the house, even if Lika had changed the interior. When Mari noticed the address she began to understand the expression on her husband's face, and why it had changed so quickly from before. 

"We don't have to go, if it'll make you uncomfortable." His wife offered, though deep down herself she actually wanted to go, but she loved Adrien enough that she was willing to skip out for his sake. 

"No, no. It's fine. This is our opportunity to see friends again and even for the kids to see the house. I'll be fine." Adrien reassured trying to be believable. Marinette, however, saw through it. He couldn't hide from her. Not after 20 years. 

"Are you sure?" She pondered.

"Yeah." Adrien continued as he leaned over further to reach for the keyboard. Typing a reply, (We'll be there.). After sending, Adrien striaghtened up and placed one of his hands on Mari's shoulder reassuringly before returning to the dining table. Marinette still wasn't convinced, but there wasn't much she could do about it now. That's when Emma came down the stairs.

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