Chapter 11 - Second Thoughts

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Adrien sat up in his bed. He couldn't sleep. After having the first sighting of an akuma in years, he had been sent into a shock. Many years ago, the villan behind it all was his father. A devastating blow, if he was honest. Gabriel Agreste had been sent to jail for his multitude of felonies against Paris. Adrien had inherited the estate and refused it. Adrien didn't want to relive the memories, luckily he had Marinette by his side the whole time. Without her he probably would have gone into madness. Except how could this be? If Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth, then did he escape jail? No, that couldn't have been it. If Gabriel had successfully escaped prison, then it would have been all over the news. That could only mean that someone else was behind the mask. Adrien was well aware that he and Marinette had been tricked with a fake miraculous, that's why they had continued to patrol every night for the past twenty or so years. The original intent to pass on the miraculous was to make the kids better, not to send them into dangerous akuma fights. Adrien was beginning to have second thoughts about the decision. These were his kids and he didn't want anything to happen to them. Not only that, but now he was beginning to think of his father for the first time in many years. After Gabriel's identity was revealed, Adrien was unable to see him as his father, but now that he was a father himself, he understood trying to do the right thing to take care of his family. Though he had to admit, Gabriel had done so in all the wrong ways.

"Are you okay, Adrien?" Marinette stirred as she sat up. Adrien's figure was well lit against the moonlight, making him clear to see despite her tired eyes. Adrien remained silent, as he turned his head away to stare out the window. Something was definetly bothering him. A stillness came over the room as neither one could think of anything to say. At this point usually one of the kwamis would speak up, but they were gone now, they were going to have to figure this one out on their own. 

"Adrien......" Mari began.

"Its just, my father. With the appearance of that akuma today, it reminded me who had originally been behind the mask of our sworn enemy." He confessed.  Marinette listened quietly as her husband went on.

"There are no reports of my father's escape from prison meaning their is a new person possessing the butterfly miraculous. We have absolutely no idea who it is. They could be even more dangerous than my father,  and we just put our kids in danger."

"Well we knew that. We understood that this could be dangerous for them." Marinette recalled, trying to relax him.

"I guess I just didn't expect an akuma to emerge.  After all neither of us had seen one since long before Emma was even born. I don't know. I want to keep them protected, but I also don't want to become my own father." Marinette suddenly felt sympathy for Adrien and scooted closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and brought her arma up around him in a hug. Adrien looked away from the bedsheets and slightly toward his wife.

"You wouldn't be able to be like him even if you tried." She comforted with a sweet tone in her gentle voice. Adrien relaxed slightly in her embrace. With her he knew he was taken care of, she understood him. Who else had let him eat all the sweets he wanted for the past twenty of more years?

"And about your father. It's been years since you've seen him. I'm sure he's had plenty of time to think about all the things he has done. Maybe if you go and see him, you'll feel better. It'll be easier on you if you learn to forgive him, Adrien." Marinette urged, doing her best to help him. Adrien groaned as he flopped down on his back. Marinette leaned over him, her voice becoming stern.

"I'm sure he's wondering what has happened to you over these past years. Just like you wonder what the kids get up to when we're out and about. I think it's for your own best interest that you do and see him." Marinette crawled under the covers and snuggled up close to her husband. Her hand laid tenderly on his chest.

"If I must." Adrien surrendered as he took her dainty hand in his own. Marinette was already beginning to drift off to sleep again as he spoke. They were silent again, their steady breaths the only sound.


"Hm?" Marinette hummed, her eyes still closed.

"Thank you." Adrien whispered as he  placed a soft kiss on her forehead. With that he relaxed and was finally able to fall asleep.

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