Chapter 16 - Double Save

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Lady Chat felt like she was about to be split into four pieces. Each teddy had one of her limbs and were pulling her body in four different directions.

"Is it too early for you guys to go into hibernation?" Lady Chat grimaced through grit teeth.

"Grab her miraculous Teddy Terror." Monarchtress ordered the akumatized girl.

"What would have Grandmama said Monarch?" The girl stubbornly asked.

"Please?" Monarchtress sighed. The girl responded as she hovered closer toward Lady Chat. She was extremely close to Chat. Too close for comfort.

"Cataclysm." Lady Chat called trying to defend her miraculous from the girl's hand.

"Darn it. Now I have to wait. Grandmama wasn't very good with patience." The girl recalled frustrated with the situation. 

"Teddies, hold her hostage until she detransformes." The girl commanded.

"I don't think so!" Little Bug interrupted again as he leaped in out of nowhere. Knocking the girl away from his sister with his yoyo. Their younger brother, now Tortue, only seconds behind. 

"Tortue cover Lady Chat she'll detransform soon. I'll handle Teddy Terror and her stuffed friends for as long as I can." Little Bug explained spinning his yoyo to form his own defense. Tortue nodded. Together the heros managed to release Chat. Tortue remained by her side, standing in front of her. Unfortunately, the teddies were still a dangerous threat.

"Shelter!" Tortue called as he lifted his shielded arm above his head and, unbenounced to him, his sister's. A large turtle patterned light green sphere engulfed the two. Seeing the bathrooms nearby, Tortue and Lady Chat moved parallel with each other, Torute positioned like a block, toward the bathrooms. Once she was a le to reach the door, Lady Chat dashed into the girl's bathroom. Once she was safely inside, Torue turned his focus to Little Bug.

"That was close, Plagg. Too close." Emma stammered as she handed her kwami a piece of cheese.

"Your lucky we were saved. Otherwise our identities would have been revealed." Plagg admitted as he swallowed his cheese.

"Ugh. I know Plagg. Now hurry up." Emma was impatient. She knew she needed to get back out there. Once refueled she transformed back into Lady Chat. The others would need her pretty quickly. Coming out of the bathroom she looked up at the choas. Her teammates were each taking a turn to jump in and make a strike on Teddy Terror, but it was difficult since she was in the air on a glider. She needed a way to get the girl on a level playing field. Noticing the villains location she made a note of how close to the railing she was. She also noticed the mini teddy tucked under the girl's arm.

"Little Bug, the railing!" Chat informed her partner as she ascended the stairs to the second floor. Automatically, her brother knew what she meant and made another strike on the akuma to send her toward Lady Chat, who was now perched on the side rail of the second floor, an open cataclysm sitting in her hand. With a other attack from Tortue, Teddy Terror was sent stumbling backwards. Once she was in reach, Chat grabbed onto the board with her cataclysm causing the glider to crumble into millions of pieces.

"Going down." Lady Chat cooed as the girl began to fall. In a quick motion, Little Bug swung his yoyo and captured her, slowly her fall. Dropping her gently she landed on the ground with a soft thud. Little Bug leaped down beside her, preventing her escape. Like she could have anyway from being a little dazed.

"It's the tedry bear!" Chat yelled down from the second floor as she pounced once like a cat in their general direction. As Bug took the teddy away from the girl, Tortur jumped down to the floor. Little Bug made a small tear in the bear allowing the evilize butterfly to escape. 

"Foiled again little akuma. Time to devilize!" Little Bug proclaimed as he shot his yoyo out to capture the purple butterfly.

"Gotchya!" Finally, the hero set the purified insect free. 

"Goodbye little butterfly. Miraculous Little Bug." With that the girl was brought back to reality, her large grizzly bear like teddies vanishing, any damage restored. Coming together the heros circled up. Stretching out both arms to each other they high fives. One hand to each teammate.

"What happened?" The girl asked holding her hand to her head as she sat up. Lady Chat turned around to see the girl. Her brothers turning their heads to look. 

"You were akumatized, but we managed to bring you back over to the good side." Lady Chat sweetly told the girl holding out her gloved hand. The girl took it and allowed the heroine to help her to her feet. Eventually a couples of beeps were heard.

"I got on a minute left. Tortue come with me. Bug out." Little Bug informed the group as he yoyo himself tk the roof and disappeared into the sunlight. Tortue simply bowed to the girls before following.

"I should get going too. Will you be alright?" Lady Chat questioned politely. The girl nodded. Smiling Lady Chat placed her other hand over the girl's comfortingly before using her stick to propel herself to the roof to follow the boys. Landing in a dark alley, Little Bug detransformed. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough to duct out of view, before Tortue landed nearby.

"Hugo!?" Tortue was astonished. His older brother was the new Ladybug. His mind raced.

"Crap. Oh well. Yes, Louis. Mom gave me the Ladybug miraculous." Hugo said as he walked up to his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"I'm going to need that back. Mom wants me to return it to her." Hugo stated holding out his other hand. Louis detransformed, looked at Wayzz, and sighed.

"Okay." The boy was a little bummed that he could be like his brother and have a long lasting friendship with the kwami, but he understood that the turtle would only be used when nessasary.

"I look forward to working with you again Wayzz." Louis said as he slipped the braclet from his wrist.

"To you as well, Louis." Wayzz replied humbly as he took the braclet and plopped down in a box in Hugo's hand.

"Hurry up and get back to school okay. Dad will be very upset if he can't find you." Hugo warned his brother shooing him off. Louis smiled and embraced his older brother.

"Thank you for trusting me." The younger boy spoke. Hugo returned the embrace before he again shooed his brother off to school. He too needed to get back to school. Emma ran round about the school after detransforming and stopped in the courtyard panting.

"There you are girl! I was worried about you." Jaqueline squealed as she ran up to Emma and hugged her. 

"I'm fine. I hid in the bathroom. Luckily, theh didn't find me there." Emma fibbed. Just then, Hugo burst in the doors. He made a beeline for the locker rooms. 

"Cecily!? Are you still in here!?" Hugo called out of breath,  once he was in the locker room. A locker door opened and Cecily climbed out. Upon seeing the young Agreste, Cecily ran toward him and embraced him tightly. He hugged her just the same. When the bell rang at the end of the day, Emma and Hugo said goodbye to their friends, Hugo taking longer than usual, before getting into the car.

"Have a good day?" Adrien asked as he set the cad in gear. 

"It was alright." Emma replied as she put on her seatbelt.

"Hey dad? Cecily and her family were going to have a picnic this Saturday. She invited us to come along. If that's okay with you and mom of course." Hugo explained hoping for a yes.

"I don't see why not." Adrien answered as he looked into the rearview mirror at his son. The ride home was peaceful, and after what all happened a few hours earlier, the Agreste children were ready to take a nap.

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