Chapter 14 - Family Affair

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Emma, Hugo, Marinette, and Adrien sat around the dining room table unsure of what to say.  The secret was out, Emma and Hugo knew each other's identity. 

"Are we in trouble?" Hugo questioned worriedly. Marinette reached out and placed her hand sweetly over her son's.

"No, Hugo. We're not mad or anything. Just surprised. You're not in trouble." She clarified. 

"So then what are we going to do?" Emma asked pondering what should be done about the situation. 

"There is a benefit to you knowing your identities. You both have a better understanding of each other's capabilities. It will also help you rely on each other that much more." Mari went on.

"It might also be an advantage in defeating who ever is behind the butterfly miraculous." Adrien added through the exhaust from his stressful day. All eyes suddenly turned to him. 

"Kids, I need to tell you something. The old Hawkmoth that your mother and I used to fight against, was your grandfather Agreste. He was trying to bring your grandmother back." Emma and Hugo's jaws dropped. Their father's pupils drifted down to the table and rested on his folded hands. Marinette took her spare hand and reached it across to place it on her husband's furthest shoulder sweetly. 

"I went and spoke to him today in the prison. So, he can not be the one releasing akumas. It's someone new. Except I don't know who he gave it to. Whoever it is we need to defeat them." Adrien continued.

"Except, how are WE going to do that?" Emma was genuinely confused. Afterall, she and Hugo were only 16 and 15. Not to mention, had only been Little Bug and Lady Chaf for a few weeks. 

"Your father and I didn't defeat Hawkmoth on our own. We had help." Marinette explained as she lifted an oval shaped box with a ladybug pattern onto the table out of nowhere. Upon opening the box, Emma and Hugo could see the rest of the miraculous' inside.

"Whoah!" They breathed in unison. Clear astonishment plastered on their faces. Marinette and Adrien were suddenly amused by the reactions of the youngsters and chuckled to themselves. 

"You greatest allies will be those you give the other miraculous' to." Adrien explained remembering the team that he and Marinette had put together.

"You will have to pick them carefully. If a miraculous gets into the wrong hands, there will be trouble. That's how Hawkmoth came about in the first place." their mother warned urgently. 

"How will we know that we need another ally?" Hugo pondered as he stared at all the beautiful jewels within the box.

"Your lucky charm will give you an object that will lead you back to me." Mari answered speaking directly to Hugo.

"This has to be a team effort to bring the new supervillan down, and I promise that we will be here whenever you need us." Adrien spoke as he placed his his firm hand across the table on Emma's. His eyes looking between both of his children.

"Thank you." Emma replied polietly.

"We're going to need a plan." Hugo thought aloud.

"I know what your saying Hugo, but we still don't know what this our oponent can do. It'll be hard to come up with an effective plan if we have nothing to make a plan from." Marinette claimed thinking through the thought herself.

"I think what Hugo is trying to say, is that when the time comes we will need a plan. This will have to be a family effort. Us and the new miraculous holders." their daughter clarified for her brother.

"Well whatever happens, we'll be ready." Adrien closed the conversation. Marinette got up from her seat and walked around to her kids and embraced them.

"I love you." Marinette soothed as she placed a kiss individually on each of their heads. 

"Love you too mom." Emma and Hugo spoke in unison again. Adrien watched the scene go down joyfully. It wasn't often that he got to witness such wonderful moments in the home. They were all often to busy doing their own things than sitting down and having important, heart touching moments. Marinette stepped back from the kids and squatted down in front of them taking one of their hands in each of hers. 

"Don't worry too much about knowing your identities. In the end it might be a greater benefit to both of you. Go get some rest. You've both had a long day, and you've got school in the morning." Marinette instructed. Emma and Hugo smiled at their mother before standing up and heading out of the room toward the stairwell. Hugo stopped once his hand hit the railing, Emma right behind. They turned back to look at their parents one last time for the night.

"Goodnight." Hugo said. Marinette stood up, but remained were she was.

"Goodnight." she replied back to them tenderly.

"Goodnight dad." Emma added on before anyone moved. 

"Goodnight." Adrien answered, his tired eyes brighter than they had been before. He sat taller now, his black shirt somewhat creased where it came in contact with the table, his arms relaxed in front of him. With that, Hugo and Emma ascended the stairs to their respective bedrooms. Once they were gone, Marinette went back to her place and sat down beside her husband. Adrien only looked over at his wife, the stress of the day returning to his face. This really had been a long night. Hugo closed the door behind him before he gazed into his shirt pocket at Tiki. She flew out before him a slight face of concern taking over her cute little face when she saw his.

"Don't worry Hugo. Everything will be fine. If your parents could defeat Hawkmoth, than you can beat this new villian." Tiki comforted the boy. 

"I hope your right Tiki." Hugo responded as he strolled from his door and flopped down on his bed. Tiki followed behind him and landed on his pillow beside him. Gently, Hugo took two of his fingers and brushed them over Tiki's small head.

"Goodnight Tiki." Hugo whispered as he let his hand rest beside his little friend.

"Goodnight Hugo." Tiki sputtered as she fell asleep. Hugo closed his eyes, and before long the pair was asleep. Across the hall, Emma was tucking herself in. Plagg made a dash for cheese shaped box Emma had made for him in the corner of the room. He curled up in the soft yellow blanket and easily fell asleep. After pulling her covers over herself, Emma laid her head against her pillow and though for a moment of all the things that had happened that day. It wasn't long before she too fell asleep. About thirty minutes later, the adults came up the stairs. Together they peeked into each of the kids bedrooms. Pleased to see all three asleep. Plagg opened on of his eyes when the light rushed into the room when Adrien and Marinette peered into Emma's room. Adrien noticed the little kwami and quietly put his finger over his lips. After seeing Adrien, Plagg closed his eye and went back to sleep. Finally, closing the door to Emma's room, Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette and they made their way to their room to settle in for the night. Luckily for the Agreste family it was peaceful that night and they all got the rest they deserved.

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