Chapter 4 - Bullied

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Hugo clutched the straps of his backpack to his chest, the Ladybug inspired jacket he wore wrinkling under the bag's fabric. The fifteen year old wasn't sure if he was ready to face the other kids that had been picking on him since the school year began. It didn't matter that he was an Agreste, for some reason other kids found him to be a particularly fun target. Today was a bit different though. Hugo was used to mean comments, but he certainly didn't want to hear any involving his brand new jacket. His mother had given it to him earlier that morning, seeing that he was a little down. The jacket had lots of meaning for him. Hugo and Emma both knew about their parents identities somehow. So just the fact that his jacket had a ladybug pattern made him think of his mother's bold heroine qualities. Not only that, but she herself had given it to him. Basically all aspects of the jacket made him think of his mother, and his mother made him feel safe. 

"Hey Huge-o! Nice jacket!" A couple of boys called laughing loudly at themselves and at Hugo as he walked by. The young Agreste turned his head to avoid looking at them as he passed, he felt his heart sunk as the boys made fun of his jacket. 

"Hey! You leave my brother alone!" Hugo looked over at the boys again to see their shocked faces as Emma stood over them angrily. He was surprised to see his sister stand up for him, but also very relieved. Emma scolded the boys before they made a break for it. After they had gone, Emma made her way towards him. 

"Are you okay Hugo?" Emma asked tenderly as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Hugo simply nodded, a lump in his throat preventing him from speaking.

"What happened!?" Hugo and Emma looked up to see Cecily running toward them; her medium length, ombre blue hair flared out behind her. They're was a strange relationship between Hugo and Cecily. Cecily was the daughter of Luka and Kagami Couffaine. It was strange to be best friends with the daughter of your parent's exes. Though it was strange, Hugo enjoyed her company. She was his one and only friend, and if he was honest, it didn't bother him. Cecily was spunky and sweet, filling every room she entered with joy.

"Elliot and his friends were picking on him again." Emma explained, a sour tone in her voice. Cecily glazed over at Hugo with concern. Her army green eyes sparkling through her concern. Hugo could help, but get lost in them.

"Hugo are you sure your okay?" His sister questioned again interrupting his thoughts.

"Fine." Hugo sputtered. "Thanks." Hugk pulled his bag straps again and began to walk off to his classroom. Cecily and Emma glanced ag each other with worry before parting ways.

"Hugo wait!" Cecily called sprinting to catch up. Hugo stopped and waited patiently for the girl. Once she caught up with him, theh carried on to class together. By the time Hugo returned home that afternoon, he was even more in the dumps than he had been that morning. The other kids were still bullying him regardless of how many times Cecily and Emma stood up for him. Even Jaqueline had tried to assist in the effort at one point. Marinette was concerned about her son. Everyday he seemed to come home more depressed than he had thd day before. It wasn't long before Adrien came home. As soon as he stepped in the door he could sense something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Adrien questioned worriedly.

"I'm worried about Hugo. Every day he comes home more upset than he left." Marinette confessed, tears beginning to swell in her eyes. Adrien pulled Marinette into a firm hug and held her as she cried into his chest.

"We'll help him through this. I promise." Adrien whispered comfortingly as he swayed with Marinette tucked safely in his arms. Dinner was silent and tense. Eventually, Adrien got tired of it and spoke up.

"How was your day Hugo?" The man asked, hoping to dig deeper into the root of the problem.

"Fine." The teenager whimpered as he pushed his peas around with a fork. Emma couldn't take it anymore! She hated seeing her brother in his sorry state and was tired of defending him on her own. The girl understood that her parents needed to be involved.

"Thd boys keep bullying Hugo at school. It's been non-stop since the second week of school." Emma blurted. 

"Emma!" Hugo exclaimed. The boy didn't want his parents to worry about him. This was his entire reason for keeping his mouth shut. Adrien and Marinette turned to Hugo. Hugo's body ran cold as his parents froze trying to take in the news they'd just recieved. The color drained from Mari's face as she covered it with her free hand, shaking her head, a lump in her throat. Adrien swallowed his bite and slowly set his utensils down to the sides of his plate. 

"Hugo, why didn't you tell us this was happening?" Adrien's green eyes were filled with emotions, from concern, to frustration, to curiousity. This was his son, and he only wanted what was best for him. No parent wants to hear that their child was being bullied at school. Hugo suddenly felt all eyes turn on him. Hugo sunk down in his chair, unsure of how to answer his father.

"Can I be excused please?" He stammered as his bangs fell into his face blocking off his eyes to his family. Hugo listened as his family shifted in their seats. Finally, after a moment, his mother answered him.

"Go ahead Hugo." Marinette released tenderly. She had a sad softness in her voice as she spoke. Excusing himself Hugo stood up from the table and went upstairs to his bedroom. He closed the door and the room instantly became dark. The boy moved to his bed and laid down. He wasn't there too long before he heard his father's footsteps on the stairs. Adrien creaked the door to Hugo's room, allowing light to flow in.

"How you doing sport?" Adrien questioned a tone of unknowing and gentleness in his voice. Hugo didn't respond, instead staring at the shadow his dad left across his bed. Adrien walked away from the door, over to his son's bed and sat down. The bed dipped slightly with the adjustment of Adrien's weight.

"Hugo, your mom and I aren't able to help you if you won't let us. Please, we want to help you. We're worried." Adrien pressured gently. Hugo still didn't respond, only his steady breathing could be heard in the quiet room. Hugo could sense Marinette as she positioned herself in his doorway. Adrien turned his head towards her, his face solum and distressed. Realizing that he was getting nowhere, Adrien rubbed his hand firmly over Hugo's calf before bringing himself to stand. Reaching the door, he turned to check one last time on his son. Closing the door, Marinette swung her arms around her husband's waist. Adrien used his empty arm and wrapped it around Mari's shoulder. They knew what they had to do.

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