Chapter 15 - Teddy Terror and Tortue

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Emma rushed down the hall to her class. Jaqueline right behind her. They were running late after stopping yet another bully. Emma was at least relived that her brother wasn't the victim this time. Instead it was a girl in Hugo's grade. The poor girl was known for the loss she experienced recently with the passing of her grandma. She had often been carrying an old ratty teddy bear for weeks around the school. Few actually knew that the bear had been the grandma's treasure and gave it to the girl on her death bed. Ever since the girl had treasured the bear as well. Elliot and his gang had been picking on the girl for having the bear, luckily Emma and Jaqueline noticed and intervened. Of course, at the cost of being late to class.

"Emma Agreste and Jaqueline Lahiffe. How nice of you to join us. Care to explain why your late." The teacher glared calling the girls out.

"Someone was being bullied in the hallway. We were helping to stop it." Jaqueline explained. Emma nodded confirming the claim. 

"Very well. Take your seats." Somehow the teacher believed them, which was a surprise to the girls. Taking their seats the got ready to begin class. Meanwhile, the girl with bear trudged through the hall, the bear clutched to her chest. Tears streaming in her eyes as her brain kept replaying the horrid event from a few minutes ago. She just wanted to mourn in peace and the teddy bear her grandmother had given her was her comfort. The girl didn't understand why other kids didn't understand that. Fortunately this was her free period, so finding a bench she sat down to cry. Lila stood in her lair, the pure akumas fluttering about around her. Transformed into Monarchtress, she could feel the sadness of the girl.

"A mourning heart that can't even escape bullying. Fly away little akuma and evilize this shattered soul." Monarchtress ordered.Following orders the akuma began its journey toward the school.

"Hugo! Good grief pay attention!" The teacher ordered, snapping Hugo out of his daze.  In front of him sat Cecily. Luckily, she hadn't noticed him staring at her. How could anyone blame him? Besides to him Cecily Couffaine was far more important to him than the Algebra they were studying in class. Far prettier to look at too, in his opinion. Making it look like he was focusing on his notebook, he aloud his bangs to fall in front of his eyes. The dark blue hair hid his light blue eyes as he once again found them returning to the back of Cecily's head. Gosh she was pretty. In the court yard the akuma flew into the school through a open window and found the grieving girl in the courtyard. Latching onto the bear it granted access for Monatchtrress to contact the teenager. 

"Teddy Terror, I am Monarchtress, and I am giving your bear the chance to stand up for itself on behalf of your grandmother. I only ask in return for Lady Chat and Little Bug's miraculous'." Monarchtress delt convincingly.

"Consider it a deal." Thd teen agreed allowing a thick purple fog consumed her. Hugo drummed his fingers on his worksheet boredly, his clenched fist supporting his tipping head. He sighed grumpily as class continued to drag on. 

"Hey Hugo? Can you help me with this problem?" Cecioy asked as she twisted around in her seat to look back at Hugo. Her sparkly baby blue t-shirt glittering over her stripped long sleeve shirt underneath in the sunlight. His cheeks flushed as her eyes met his. His heart began to beat out of his chest. This was it. There was no escape. Did his father feel this way once? Hugo would have to ask him later.

"Hugo?" Cecily asked again, confused by his lack of response. Before they could continue, a grizzly bear sized teddy busted through the classroom door. The teacher jumped in surprise as the students scattered screaming bloody murder. The teddy growled and raised its arms like a real bear as it stomped around the room. Cecily froze in fear at the sight. Hugo sat back in his chair also frightened.

"Seriously!? Right now!?"Hugo thought to himself. He would have to get used to it. As the giant toy marched about it suddenly caught eye of Cecily and began to make it's way toward her in a way that suggested it was trying to scare her out of the room. Hugo immediately took action. He leaped up from his seat a d grabbed Cecily by her arm. They ran out of the class stopping at the stairs when another bear started to ascend them. They tried to run left a d right, but they were surrounded. Hugo pinned Cecily against a wall a d shielded her with his own body.

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