Chapter 19 - Into The Past

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"Bugaboo, you know I....." Before Kitty Noir could finish his sentence, a dark purple portal opened up. Little Bug and Lady Chat flying through from their tackle. They hit the cement with a thud as the portal closed.

"Uh?" Mini Bug and Kitty Noir had no words. What had just happened? Lady Chat's golden hair fell over her shoulder into her brother's face as she looked over her other shoulder up at the other heros. This wasn't good.

"Oh, hi dad." She sputtered. Kitty and Mini continued to stare at the two teens on the ground before them.

"Um, Chat? I need to breathe." Little Bug gasped from underneath his sister. Oh right, she had tackled him through the portal.

"Ohp, sorry bro." She apologized helping him to his feet.

"Bro!?" Mini Bug and Kitty Noir yelped.

"Yeah, he's my brother." Lady Chat explained as she and Bug turned to their respective original. Their wasn't as big as a height difference between them and their parents anymore. Little Bug was standing taller than Ladybug for crying out loud! Lady Chat and Chat Noir were the same height!

"Dad shrunk." Chat pointed out as she turned to brother.

"Yeah, we've been sent to the past." Little Bug replied snarkally. They were both very aware that they had been sent to the past, they just didn't realize how far back.

"Who are you?" Ladybug asked as she dropped her arms to her sides.

"We're Lady Chat and Little Bug." Chat replied. Ladybug and Chat Noir were still so confused.

"Wait, so we aren't going to be Ladybug and Chat Noir in the future!?" Kitty was alarmed. He didn't want to even imagine this changing.

"No, you will be Chat Noir for a long time yet. We come from a time when you're both in your late thirties. Being that you're our parents you gave the miraculous to us." Lady Chat shifted on her weight. Their was a large void of awkwardness that no one would be able to fix, except time. The shock still plastered on Chat Noir and Ladybug's faces.

"Wait, we had kids?" Noir asked astonished fingering a line between him and Ladybug. Ladybug leaned back appalled by his question. No way was she going to have children with him. Ladybug's movement was an important clue for Lady Chat and Little Bug. Immediately they picked up on it.

"Once you know each other's identity, you will understand." Chat intervened.

"Yeah, it's not like our father is a 'hot' model or anything." Little Bug sarcastically air quoted to his sister. She instantly turned to her younger brother and pulled out her baton.

"You dimwit! You're not supposed to say that!" She bonked her brother on the head with the stick. Little Bug recoiled, his hand on his head where his sister struck him.

"Ow!" He whined rubbing the injury.

"And please don't ever call dad hot again. Even in air quotes. It doesn't sound right." Lady Chat added dismissing his complaint.

"Why? Wouldn't it be a compliment to you? I mean you look like him." Little Bug questioned still rubbing his head, scuffing up his dark blue hair.

"Sorta, but it still sounds wrong when you say it. Besides it looks better on him. Clearly I can't attract the guys." Lady Chat replied sassily as she fluffed her own hair. Ladybug and Chat Noir listened to the discussion half confused. Yet still interested in what the other teens had to say about their secret identities. Chat Noir knew they were talking about him as Adrien, and as flattered and weirded out as he was he couldn't help being interested.

"And so what?" Little Bug asked his sister confused by the girl's ways.

"How about we talk about your girlfriend instead?" Chat teased harshly. She wanted to refocus the situation and hopefully this would shut him up.

"Shut up!" Little Bug puffed his chest and popped up on his tip toes aggressively invading his sister's space. She didn't flinch or look at him as she flicked her hair off her shoulder. There was a pause as Ladybug and Chat Noir glanced at each other from the corners of their eyes, still purely confussed.

"Okay, enough of this. Tell us what's going on. How did you get here?" Chat Noir interrupted, driving the discussion forward. Lady Chat and Little Bug snapped into attention, but they remained silent. Noir leaned forward and laid his hands on his hips.

"Well?" He pressed further, determined to get his answers.

"He's giving us his dad face." Lady Chat noticed as she informed her brother. Chat Noir cleared his throat loudly to once again bring their attention back to him.

"Okay, okay. There was an akuma by the name of Ancestra. Her photo time portals send people back into the past to meet their ancestors. I attempted to save Hu....his butt from a sneak attack and we got hit. Now we're here with no way of getting back to the future in order to defeat the akuma." Lady Chat finally spoke up. Satisfied with the answer, Chat Noir returned to standing upright, his arms crossing over his chest.

"So, what are we going to do m'lady?" Chat Noir turned to Ladybug with the question.

"It's still so cute when he calls her that." Lady Chat commented as she laid her cheek in her hand. The one arm acting as a support for the other. Little Bug only rolled his eyes. Chat Noir flicked his tail as he leaned closer to his lady. Now he was pushing boundaries. He was such a flirt, but two could play at that game.

"Chill out Kitty, there are children present." Ladybug teased as she quickly brushed his nose with the tip of her red gloved finger. His eyes grew wide at the gesture and his cheeks began to burn. Had she taken it a bit far? Nah, as much as he bothered her, she still found some of his antics cute. Including when he was flustered like he was right now. Putting her fingers over her mouth she giggled to herself.

"Are you sure about that m'lady? I don't see any or are you finally seeing what I see for our future?" Chat Noir teased back leaning over his baton for support. She turned to him in surprise. She should have expected him to push back.

"Okay! Mom! Dad! Stop! You have another twenty some years to flirt. Can we focus here." Little Bug protested.  Chat Noir and Ladybug straightened up. The four were silent. Now what? 

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