Chapter 20 - Family Drama

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The eldest four Agrestes sprinted through the portal to the other side. Torture had a sheild over the opening to prevent Ancestra from damaging it. 

"Hurry up you guys!? I'm not sure how much longer I can hold this!?" Tortue yelled over his shoulder into the portal. Finally the four came through. The portal closing after Raspik joined the team in their current time period. Ancestra was still active and progressively sending more and more people into the past. 

"Alright, let's end this!" Raspik was ready to defeat an akuma again. Plus he wanted his family safe. Before anyone could do anything though, there was beeping.

"Oh crap! I've only got a minute!" Lady Chat shrieked looking down at her ring.

"I'm low on time too." Little Bug realized as his fingers grazed over his clip earrings. This wasn't good. Multimouse and Raspik groaned. They had forgotten about that. 

"Go quickly and refuel." Tortue let down his sheild and his older siblings scurried away, careful to not touch any of Ancestra's portals. 

"You run along as well Tortue. You'll need to change again soon too." Multimouse told her youngest. Tortue was unsure of leaving his parents, but he trusted them and did as he was told. 

"It's just you and me now  Bugaboo." Raspik smiled. 

"Just like old times Kitty, almost."  While the kids were away, Raspik and Multimouse were doing their best to hold off Ancestra.  After a few minutes the children finally returned.  Reunited as a team, all five heros simultaneously attacked Ancestra. It seemed as if the heros were gaining ground, but really they were not, and they knew it.

"I think we're gonna need a plan here soon." Lady Chat hollered to her brother as she dodged another flying photo. Little Bug knew his sister was right. So while the supervillain was distracted by his family, Little Bug called upon his lucky charm. What emerged was a wooden baseball bat.

"This isn't a game Little Bug!" Chat grumbled through grit teeth as she tried to hold up a car to create a sheild. It didn't work however, when a photo portal hit the car and sent it to the past. 

"Any ideas!" Raspik questioned looking over his shoulder at his son. Little Bug looked around, but nothing had come to him yet. As Little Bug continued to come up with a plan, Multimouse had an idea of her own. 

"Chat, you block her on the left. I'll take right. Tortue you come in from behind, and Raspik you take the center. We need to buy Little Bug some time." Multimouse explained to the team. Lady Chat turned to her father. 

"You might want to activate the second chance." Lady Chat suggested. Raspik only looked at his daughter. 

"Sazz..y much are we?" Raspik joked as his fingers brushed over the braclet.

"Hey, I make the puns 'round here!" Chat pushed back.

"I was making 'em first. Where do you think you get them from?" 

"Would you just...." Multimouse was slowly losing her patience. Raspik took notice and activated the snake.

"Second chance!" The heros were set to act on Multimouse's plan. Each hero stealthily moved into position.  Once Ancestra was right where they wanted, Multimouse launched the attack. The girls twisted around from behind the walls they hid behind and leaped grabbing hold of Ancestra's arms. Tortue jumped from behind with enough force to bring Ancestra to her knees. 

"Wait!" Little Bug yelped at his father. Raspik paused and gazed over at his son. Before either of them could do anything however, Ancestra threw her elbow hard into Multimouse's gut and then up into her chin causing her to recoil, releasing Ancestra's arm. Raspik quickly second chances before anything more could happen. This time he leaped forward instead of stopping on Little Bug's call. Then he held the akumatized girl's shoulders tight to weaken her ability to fight back. Little Bug used his yoyo and swung up to the roof with his family and Ancestra. Squeezing himself between his mother and his brother, Bug placed the bat against Ancestra's back. Figuring out what Little Bug was doing, Chat, Raspik, and Multimouse pulled the arms back around the bat. Little Bug turned to his mother and motioned for her rope tail. He would have gone for his sister's belt, but she was further away from him. Multimouse removed her rooe and handed it over. Little Bug took it from her and strapped Ancestra's hands to the baseball bat. Luckily he finished just before Ancestra somehow managed to break free of them and shoot straight up into the sky above them. The Agrestes then stood up and took a step back as they watched to see if their idea was working. 

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