Chapter 30 - Journey Ahead

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As Emma stepped into the house for the first time in a month, she was greeted by the sound of joy and laughter. 

"We're here!" She called out as she slipped off her flats and set her bag down by the door. 

"Emma!" Her brothers called out excitedly. As she straightened up, two little boys scurried by her into the house. "Samuel! Onrey! Don't run! Oh my goodness." Emma pinched her nose embarrassed by her sons.

"Oh they're fine." Marinette said closing the door behind Charlie. 

"Can I help you with anything momma?" Emma questioned following her mother with her gaze.

"No. Dinner is already prepared. Louis is just finishing up. We'll eat here soon." Mari replied as she made her way back toward the kitchen. Since her help wasnt needed, Emma made her way to the living room. Charlie was already there with their sons. Hugo sat on the couch bouncing his daughter on his knee beside their father. Adrien immersed in a game of peekaboo with his granddaughter. 

"Hey Em." Hugo greeted again when he saw his sister step into the room. Passing his daughter, Charity, over to Adrien, Hugo stood up and approached his sister. They embraced happily as Cecily stepped into the room with a freshly warmed bottle. "It's so good to see you. How have you been?"

"Well that's a dumb question. You two see each other everyday." Cecily giggled  screwing the lid tighter on the bottle. The adults erupted in soft laughter. Everyone here knew of the duo's occupation, well accept the kids and Louis's girlfriend Zoey. Handing off the bottle to her father-in-law, Cecily went back into the kitchen. In her place, Louis entered the room and embraced his sister. Louis was taller than her now, in fact he was just barely above Hugo as well. However, both boys topped their father by an inch or two. Emma was still shorter than Adrien, but was taller than Marinette. Despite the change in height so many other things had changed. All three had built up muscle from their hero work. Hugo had filled out a larger frame, though he still remained thin. Louis on the other hand remained lanky, but he was strong too. Emma's figure hardly changed aside from putting on a pound or two with two little boys to look after.  Within a span of ten years the kids had grown up and moved off on their own. Building up lives and families of their own. Adrien and Marinette didnt mind being empty nesters, but it felt strange to not have the kids around 24/7. Retired from their fashion business, of which whom they handed down to  Louis, Adrien and Marinette now spent their days at home together or at the bakery down the block assisting Tom and Sabine. The old couple still loved their bakery and intended to look after it until their final days. Marinette and Adiren doing as much as they could to help them and take care of their parents. However, everyone knew that Tom and Sabine's time would come fairly soon. Gabriel was already gone. Leaving Adrien with no one but his inlaws, as far as parents were concerned. It had been five years since Gabriel's death and the whole family could remember the events of that day. Adrien especially. The man had been working in his office just getting ready to pack up his things to go home when he got the call. He knew that his father's strength was fading, but he didn't realize how soon it would be. He took the call, jumped in his car, and made a beeline for the hospital, making sure to call his wife in the process. Marinette had been in the bakery kneading dough with her mom when she got the call from her husband. 

"Hey Love. What's up?" Mari questioned as she placed the phone to her ear and continued her work. "I'll be right there. I'm sorry momma, I have to go." Mari said as she rushed to wash her hands, remove her apron and make her way to the door for her keys.

"Everything okay Marinette?" Sabine asked worriedly.

"Gabriel is dyjng." Eventually, the whole family had gathered in the hospital room. It was quiet  and peaceful. Everyone got their chance to say goodbye. Adrien holding his father's hand till the final moment. It was a devastating blow to the family, but Adrien was comforted by the fact that his parents were together again, just like his father had always wanted. It took some time, but five years later, and everyone seemed to be doing better. 

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