It's a Date

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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 16~~~~~~~~~~~~

A few days later at the bar


I open the door to the bar where Izuku works and am welcomed by the sight of Izuku studying a book from behind the bar. As I start to look around at the bar it's surprisingly empty not even Kurogiri was able to be seen as I stepped inside.

"Are you alone today?", I ask making Izuku jump.

"Ah oh it's you Kai. Yeah I'm the only one working today.", he said while giving me a smile.

I walk up to the bar and sit down my eyes locking on his tie. It was puffy but at least the knot was tied correctly. It was kind of a cute attempt at tying it. It suit Izuku rather well. "Izuku come here let me fix your tie for you." I said which caused Izuku's face to light up a bright red color.

"A..are you sure? You don't have to fix it if it would bother you.", Izuku said shyly.

"I'm sure if some saw your tie like that they might deem you incompetent.", I said while moving so Izuku could stand infront of me. Izuku nodded and gave me a adorable smile before coming over to me.

After he came to me I turned him around so his back was to my chest I then press closer to him while wrapping my arms around his sides I then tie his tie carefully and skillfully before turning him back around and fixing his collar back into place.

"There that's  better.", I say with a smile that was hidden by my surgical mask.

When I look back up to Izuku's face I see him blushing brightly even his ears are painted a beautiful crimson.

"Where is everyone?", I ask after a minute of admiring Izuku's blush.

Izuku his face goes blank for a minute before he also looks around the room. "Yeah, Kurogiri asked if I could open and close the shop today. Aparently they all had a little too much to drink yesterday so they might not be coming in today.", he said while looking a little worried.

"Don't worry they will all be fine Izuku.", I say while I pet his fluffy hair. To my surprise it's not only fluffy but it's also very soft to the touch. When some of his hair brushes against my wrist. Maybe one of these days I could take off the gloves to pet his hair.

He leans into my hand which makes me smile. He is a very trusting and sweet boy.

"Izuku I have a question I would like to ask you.", I say before I forget as to why I'm here.

"Hm? What could I do for you?", Izuku asks while looking up at me with those big round eyes of his.

"I have tickets to see the UA sports festival. Would you care to go with me?", I ask while smiling down at him from behind my surgical mask.

His eyes light up brightly before very obviously short securing. His reaction makes him all the more adorable.

"Wh....why me?", he asks quietly after a few seconds. The question was so quiet I almost missed it.

"Well I got the tickets from a colleague and I thought of you when I got them so would you like to go with me?", I ask while raising my eyes to Izuku's.

His face lit up a brighter red while tears started to well up in his eyes. He then smiled up at me brightly. "I would love to.", he said with a bright smile on his face.

I lean forward and wipe the tear that was threatening to roll down his cheek which gives me a reason to cup his face in my hand. My free arm wrapping around his waist and pulling him closer and into a hug.

"Have you never been asked out before?", I ask softly as to not scare him.

He shakes his head while nuzzling his head further into my hand. "No I've never had many friends ever since I was declared quirkless."

"It shouldn't matter whether you have a quirk or not.", I say while trying to ignore the fact that he called us friends. Hari told me it might be a slow process but it will be the building block for a healthy relationship. It seems both of us could use one of those.

"Well if you would like you could consider me your friend.", I say while I hold him close to me. Initially he had tensed up but I kept holding him as he started crying hard in what I could only hope where tears of joy.

"Oi hands off the quirkless your making him cry!", Shigiraki yelled from his place in the doorway. His lanky arm out streched to point accusingly at me.

Izuku pulled away slowly from me his face red and splotchy from him crying while his ireses where ringed with red the whites of his eyes where more clear then I've ever seen them. Izuku then smiled up at me. "I would love to go with you if the offer still stands."

I smile at him as I hear Shigiraki stomping over to us. "Of course it still stands we are friends after all."

Upon hearing that Shigiraki let out a loud rumbling growl. "He's our quirkless go get your own!", he said while moving inbetween me and my lovely Izuku. Only to stab my jacket with that crusty boney finger of his. "Stay away from Izuku.", each word emphasized with a stab of his finger.

"I'm sorry but next week Izuku and I have a date planned so sorry but I can't stay away from him.", I say with a big smile.

With that I move back to Izuku lift his right hand up while bending over and I pressed a kiss to the back of his hand through my surgical mask. "I will pick you up from your house on the day of our date.", with that it was almost like I could see a puff of smoke escape his head as he went bright red again. "Now I shall take my leave before Shigiraki kills me."

With that I leave the bar leaving a blushing Izuku and a loudly growling Shigiraki in my wake.

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