Date End

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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 26~~~~~~~~~~~~


Izuku looks happy listening to these heroes. When it turns 8:00 they start to get ready to leave. I look over to Izuku who looks like he's about to pass out. I smile at him before getting up myself and heading over to him. I lean down and start to pet his hair. "Izuku it looks like your tired.", I tell him he jumps a little before looking up at me and smiling.

"Bye Izuku we had a lovely time.", Midnight said before waving goodbye to him. Present Mic was smiling while waving good bye to Izuku. "Bye love birds.", he said before ducking out the door after Midnight.

I smile and kiss Izuku softly on the forehead. "I hope you enjoyed our first date Izuku."

He smiled up at me and hugged me. "I had a wonderful time Kai.", he said sleepily.

"Lock the door after I leave. Don't forget or I might worry.", I tell him while smiling.


POV Dabi

"Where was Izuku? He wasn't here today.", Shigiraki whined while drinking he was at the bar while Kurogiri was behind it.

Toga who was sitting aross from me was sitting with her arms crossed on the table. "I thought we where all going to watch the sports festival together.", she said while pouting.

"Now young Tomura you knew that aizuku had a date with Overhaul.",Kurogiri said.

"Who the hell is Overhaul? He work on your cars or something?", I ask while laughing at the name.

"No he is the leader of the Shie Hassaikai. The branch of the Yakuza that we are trying to make deals with.", Kurogiri says while cleaning a cup.

"Wait I thought that kid was innocent like not part of the underworld.", I say while standing up.

"He is in no way apart of the underworld. He only knows Kai Chisaki. The head of a large medical equipment company. He has no idea that Kai is actually Overhaul the young leader of the Shie Hassaikai.", Kurogiri explained.

"Did you see how that Kacchan boy won first place in the festival? He was so stuck up when he won.", Toga said while sticking out her tongue.

"That was Kacchan? What an ass.", I tell her while shaking my head. "Glad he's not on our side.", I add.

"Only idiots would want that little maniac on their side.", Shigiraki said while scratching his neck.

Kurogiri's cellphone rang with a little happy tune. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. His eyes became almost slits when he looked at his phone showing that he was happy with what he saw.

"Izuku messaged. He said that he had a great time and that the date went well he and Kai are now officially dating now.", with that he started to flutter his misty hands over the phone's screen. "I'm telling him that I'm proud of him."

"Don't tell him that tell him that we're pissed!", Shigiraki said while scratching harder. He was obviously irritated with the news. "He just wants Izuku because he is quirkless."

"Not from what Izuku is saying. He mentioned that Kai said and I quote, "I'm all he could ever ask for."

"I think that is really sweet though!",Toga said while slamming her hands onto the table.

"He better not be using Izuku or I swear I'll light this guy up.", I say before taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh?", Kurogiri said when his phone pinged again.

"Oh? What is it?", Toga said while bounding over to him.

"Izuku just sent me a picture.", the misty older male said while trying to not laugh.

He turned the phone around and it's a picture of Izuku and Kai. Izuku was wearing a All Might hoodie, while Kai was wearing a UA bag. Present Mic next to Kai with his arm wrapped around his shoulder while Midnight was next to Izuku with a arm around him. All of them smiling.

Shigiraki groans when he looks at the picture. "Ugh heroes. I thought he hates the contagion called heroes."

"He does but Izuku likes the heroes so he went with what Izuku wanted.", Kurogiri said while messaging Izuku. "He says that Kai even saved him from Bakugo, and got him the bag, a phone charm, hoodie, and even food when he was hungry.", he added on while chuckling.

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