Is it Stalking or Investigating?

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  I start my walk home from the bar but I have this odd feeling it's like someone is watching me. So I start walking faster while looking around.

POV Hari Kurono (chronostasis) POV

  Since looking up that boy I have been curious. Kai had mentioned seeing something that intrested him. But I would have never thought it would have been a person. Maybe it's just Mimic's imagination that Kai is interested in this boy. I checked his house it is very clean. But what worries me is the hero memorabilia. I've also started keeping tabs on him or as Mimic calls it Stalking. It seems the boy is getting more cautious. He has started looking around at his surroundings as he is walking. I wonder if something tipped him off about me or could he have lost something? Maybe I should start listening to the news for around here. There could be small time crimes happening around here. I highly doubt it though. There is a hero agency near here after all. I keep following from a distance and by the time he arrives home he seemed to have calmed down some. He goes up to his apartment and enters after taking off his shoes and turning on the light. I make my way to the top of the building across the alley from his apartment window. By the time I can see straight into his apartment he is making dinner. It seems that no one lives with him. Which is good because if he just disappears there are less people looking for him, and less likely for someone to say he is missing. While I can't tell what he is cooking it looks elaborate to a certain extent. He is wearing a apron while he cooks. He kinda lightly sways while cooking maybe he is listening to music? Wonder what he is listening to. When he finishes cooking he eats alone and then cleans the dishes. After that I assume he takes a shower because when he comes back into view his hair is no longer fluffy and he is wearing different clothes. He sits on the couch and does some paper work or maybe school work. Then he goes to bed. His morning is rather plain. He doesn't eat breakfast unless it's a piece of toast or something small. Then it's to that bar. I can't see through the windows so I have no idea what he does there but sometimes he comes out with trash or when he sweeps the side walk. Maybe he's the janitor or something like that. The bar barely gets any people except from the one's who are from the League of Villains. I keep this up for a few days. One day he walks through his apartment without a shirt on and I see that his back is covered in burn scars. Probably from someone's quirk. Kai will probably not like that he is covered in scars but he will fix it if he wants to.

  If I want to know what the kid's job is at the bar then I will have to go inside. Kai will be going out of town for business with a main branch family. So I will go to the bar then if he doesn't have me tag along with him. I guess I will have to have someone else watch Eri for an hour or two. Rappa is a good candidate. He likes her and they do have tea time together at times when they are both free then I can have Tengai watch over the security cameras.

~~Time skip~~

  Every thing is in place they know to not take their eyes off of Eri. Kai is gone for the day.
I enter the shabby rundown bar. Upon entering the building everyone turned to see who came through the door. I could name everyone there easily as I have seen them before during a few meetings between Boss and the League of Villains. But they haven't seen me out of my uniform Kai has me wear. I'm wearing dark grey dress pants and a purple button down shirt with a white surgical mask.

  "Welcome take a seat any where and I'll be right with you.", the quirkless boy said as he stood up and turned from where he was sitting at the bar. Looks like he's doing homework.

  I nod to them before taking a seat at a booth. Izuku comes up to me after shutting his notebook. "What would you like sir?", Izuku asked with a bright smile.

  "I would like Sake with two cups.", I said not missing a beat.

  He walks over to behind the bar and gets the sake cups as Kurogiri fills the sake flask. Izuku then gathers them up on a small tray before bringing them over to my table. He sets every thing out very neatly and almost traditionally. Before pouring sake into the two cups. I note that even the way he pours the Sake is traditional and polite. The boss will be pleased with that."Is there anything else you would like sir?", he asks with a cock of his head.

  I gester to the seat across from me and the extra Sake cup. "Drink with me?", I ask while removing my surgical mask.

  He waves his hands in a dismissive manner while a light blush spreads across his freckled cheeks. "I'm sorry sir but I'm not old enough to drink yet."

  Hm... interesting so he is under twenty years old. Like what it said in the file he is still in high school. Kai isn't that much older than him then. His looks are deceiving then because he looks 13 or 14 years old.

  "Here Izuku.", Kurogiri said while setting a cup of coffee in front of Izuku. "Take a break. You have been studying for an hour straight."

  Izuku nodded "Yes sir." He then smiled up at the villain. "Thanks I kinda needed a break. Oh!", he turns to me while smiling so big his eyes are closed. "Thank you too sir!"

  He is so innocent. He doesn't know anything about me or why I wanted him to drink with me. I shake my head while smiling. "It's not a problem at all. Plus it's boring to drink all alone."

  "Y..yeah I guess I know what you mean.", Izuku said. He started to blow gently over the coffee. It's light in color so Kurogiri must have put sugar, and milk in it already. Kurogiri seems more like a doting mother like this then in the meetings where he acts like Shigaraki's guard dog. But if I made a move against this boy there is no doubt that he would snap straight back to being that guard dog.

  "So... huh, I never got your name.", I said acting as if I didn't already know it.

  "O..oh! Sorry name is Izuku Midoriya.", he said while blushing lightly while looking embarrassed.

  "Well Izuku I'm Nisemono. (Its a fake name. Means fake name according to Google translate) Nice to meet you.", I said with a smile not really wanting him to know my real name so I gave him a fake name.

  "Nice to meet you too.", Izuku said before sipping his coffee.

  "So Izuku what is your favorite subject in school.", I asked trying to make small talk. He seemed to pirk up a little whether from the coffee or the topic I don't know.

  "My favorite subject is Quirk studies!", he said while sitting up a bit straighter. His eyes where less focused on me and more focused in the distance. Something that only he could see as he rambled on about quirks. I was listening while trying my best to look intrested.

  But then something happened as he was talking about a quirk that I vaguely remember hearing about some where. Something to do with explosions. His eyes lowered to the now lukewarm coffee. He slouched a bit more then he was earlier. As if the weight of the world was put onto his skinny shoulders.  That's when I hear it. "Maybe I'm so intrested with quirks because I don't have one of my own.", his eyes dark as if remembering something terrible while his voice was soft and shaky. He smiled up at me eyes closed but I still had still seen the tears that welled up in his eyes. He then stood up before bowing. "Th..thank you for talking to someone like me. I should get back to studying and stop bothering you.", with those words I realized what went through his mind. In his mind quirkless people are not in the same category as people who have quirks.

  As he scurried back to the counter with his cup of coffee in his shaking hands I thought about something Kai had told me when I first learned about his dreams for the future. "I want to revert humanity back to there more innocent state. A state with out quirks.", Kai had said full of determination. I confess that I didn't always understand his reasons. But if every quirkless would act like this boy. Then I fully understand now. But that is very unlikely.

  After a half hour I decided that I had stayed long enough. But on my way out I caught a glimpse of a heart warming sight between the quirkless Izuku and Kurogiri. Kurogiri had stopped what he was doing and was helping the boy with a problem that he was having trouble with in his homework.

  With that I was off back to the main estate where Eri and the others where no doubt waiting for my return.

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