Meet the Teachers (part 2)

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 22~~~~~~~~~~~

~Time skip to after the calvary battle~

POV Aizawa

While up in the announcer's booth I looked up Kai Chisaki. From the initial level he looks like a fine young man who just got out of college and went on to take over his adoptive father's medical supplies company.  The initial search will have to satisfy me for now. Since it's now time for lunchtime.

While on our way to the lunchroom we find Izuku and Kai waiting for us where I first met them. They where holding hands and standing closer to each other then they where earlier. When we reach them Izuku jumped not having realized we had arrived.

"Ah Eraserhead nice to see you again!", Izuku said with a bright smile on his face. While Kai nodded to me silently from his place beside Izuku.

"Are you two waiting for Midnight?", I ask when I stop infront of them.

"Yes sir we are.", Izuku says while nodding his head quickly.

Just then Midnight arrived to take them to the cafeteria. "Hey boys! Oh Eraserhead are you joining us?", she asks.

"I don't think I have a choice now do I?", I tell here with a sigh.

Izuku smiles up at me. "It's nice to see you again Eraserhead."

I nod my head to him. "We just saw each other earlier."

He starts to blush while looking embarrassed.

I chuckle while his friend looks at me sternly as if warning me not to make Izuku feel bad.

When we get to the cafeteria Izuku's eyes light up as he looks around at all of the pro heroes.

He starts to mumble under his breath until Kai ruffles his hair which causes him to turn a bright pink color.

"Midnight I didn't know you where such a cougar!", Mt. Lady said loudly which caused a few people to chuckle while most others ignored her. Knowing that she likes to tease Midnight about her age.


A lady in purple and off white spandex with two purple horns in her hair comes over and lifts my chin before before asking, "Don't you think you are a bit too good looking for someone like Midnight?" As she asks this she bats her eylashes at me in a flirty manner.

Her words and actions make Izuku stiffen up before he looks up to me.

"Sorry miss but I'm already taken.", I say while swatting her hand away and pulling Izuku to me so his chest is pressed against my side. My arm wrapped firmly around his waist which causes Izuku to turn bright red.

"And HE is all I could ever ask for."

Izuku looks up at me in obvious surprise.

Midnight is giggling at the way the younger female looked embarrassed. She bowed slightly before quickly saying, "I'm sorry.", before excusing herself.

Izuku now was blushing brightly while Midnight squealed happily. "Oh so you two are dating!"

"During the last brief intermission Izuku and I talked and decided to start dating.", I tell her.

"Aw that is so cute!", she said while smiling.

A quiet chiming song started to come from Izuku's bag. "Ah! Th...that's Bakugo-san I need to take this.", he says before taking his phone out the goggle charm hanging from the earphone jack. He walks quickly out to the hall after answering.

Present Mic, walked over with a big smile "Ah Eraser! Did you see his little charm on his phone?! Seems you have a little fanboy.", he said while slinging his arm around Eraserhead's shoulder.

"Where did he even get such a thing?", Eraser asks looking slightly irritated at the tiny charms existence.

"One of the vendors where giving away charms with Kachiwari purchases.", I inform him.

From the sound that he made it was obvious he didn't sign up for such a item to be made.

"Izuku seemed very happy when I gave it to him.", I tell them.

"Aw sounds like you have a little fan Easer!", Present Mic said loudly. A big grin on his annoyingly smug face.

Izuku came back with a frown.

"What's wrong?", I ask while pulling him close.

"Bakugo-San wants me to give Kacchan a message.", I said the of Izuku's frown turning into a stressed out look.

"She told me to tell Kacchan to not make a fool of himself after what he said as the pledge.", he said while clutching onto me. From his voice alone you could tell he was stressing out.

Midnight giggled while Present Mic was at least trying to be polite by holding in his giggles.

"I will help you find him after lunch.", Eraser said as he put his hand on My Izuku's shoulder.

He looked up at him with a shaky smile. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother.", Izuku asked worried he would bother the sleepy looking man.

"I'm sure Izuku besides it's better then leaving you to wonder this place.", Eraser said with soft smile.

Izuku smiled brightly at him while thanking him. His smile causing jealousy to build up inside of my chest.

"Any way little listener lets get some lunch!", Mic said happily and quiet loudly.

Izuku nodded his head enthusiastically with his hands balled up into fists. His smile bright as ever.

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