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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 18~~~~~~~~~~~~

Day of Sports Festival

POV Hari Kurono (Chronostasis)

Looking at the VIP box lanyards that came with the tickets. They look like something that you would get for a backstage pass at a concert. But they where in those tacky UA colors. Boss will not like having to wear it but without it he will not be allowed into his boxed seating. I guess he will see it as a necessary evil for his end goal of going on a date with Izuku.

Speaking of which he is taking longer then expected to get ready.

POV Kurogiri

When I got the call about a emergency from Izuku I was guessing he was being attacked. From how loud he was crying and screaming. Or someone was trying to break into his apartment this is not what I was expecting.

Clothes strewn EVERYWHERE it looks like a tornado went through his closet and room. A hair brush handle broken off into his hand with the head of the hairbrush still in his unruly hair. Nose and eyes red from crying.

So I set to work doing what I do best caring for unruly children and their problems.

First I carefully work the head of the brush out of his head then I take a look at his clothes that he has in his room while I send him to clean his face.

I pick out a simple kahki pants with a white button up shirt and a green vest.

After that I have Izuku change and I then pull the right side of his hair back with Bobby pins.

Once I was finally done I have him grab his wallet, cellphone, and keys, even his notebook titled Hero Analysis, and a pen. I give him some extra money incase anything where to happen. Then we start heading down to wait for Chisaki.

"Izuku have a good time and do be careful while you are out. If any trouble is to occur please do call and I will be there right away.", I tell him as Chisaki pulls up to the curb we are standing on.

Chisaki then gets out of the car after parking and goes around and opens Izuku's door like a fine young gentleman. After Izuku gets in he closed the door and turned to me. "I know you aren't his parent but I promise to take good care of him.", with that he went around the car and got back in before driving away.

Time skip

POV Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)

Once we parked and got to the entrance of the stadium I pulled Izuku close and put a lanyard pass around Izuku's neck carefully. He looked down at it before freezing up.

"How did you get these?!", he squeaked out.

I smile and pet his head with my gloved hand. Before saying, "Well like I said a friend of mine gave them to me."

He smiled up at me like I was amazing or something. Something in my chest grew warm at the sight of him looking at me like that.

I tie the lanyard around my belt so I don't have to wear mine around my neck.

As soon as I was done I took Izuku's hand in mine and started our way to inside the fairground like area of the festival.

I never knew it actually had a festival set up outside of the Colosseum like area.

We start looking around and Izuku looked at everything with wide eyes and wonder. There where games, food, clothes, accessories, even bags.

When I look down at Izuku again I notice he has a notebook in his other arm. So I decide to pull him over to a stand that is selling messanger bags with the UA emblem on it. After I buy it I hand it over to Izuku who looks stunned. "You are carrying quiet a few things so you should put them in this.", I say while looking away kinda embarrassed before looking back at him. He smiles brightly up at me before carefully taking the bag and putting his belongings inside of it. After everything is carefully tucked away we continue looking around at everything for a little while. "Izuku we should go find our seats before the events start.", I tell him. He looks quiet sad before I add on. "At lunch we will come back down look around some more."

He smiles brightly up at me before asking, "Really?"

"Of course as long as you would like to.", I say while squeezing his hand lightly. Which makes Izuku blush lightly.

We make our way inside and as we are going up to the boxes we are stopped by a scruffy looking injured man with black hair who is wearing a black jumpsuit. "Midoriya?", he asks while looking at Izuku.

Izuku looks extremely happy when looking up at the other male as he pulls his hand away from mine. "Eraserhead!" At Izuku's excitement to see this man a tinge of resentment fills my stomach.

POV Aizawa

I was walking around patrolling the box area when I see a head of hair that I recognize. "Midoriya?", the person turns around while pulling his hand away from the other with him. "Eraserhead!", he says loudly excitement filling his voice. "It's nice to see you again!", he says happily. His smile beeming up at me.

I feel the other man's eyes watching me. But I continue with the conversation at hand. "It's nice to see you too."

The other man with Izuku cleared his throat. "Izuku mind introducing me to your friend?", he asked while what I can only assume to be smiling behind his surgical mask.

"Ah yes! Kai this is ProHero Eraserhead. Eraserhead this is Kai.", he said while slightly embarrassed.

"It's nice to meet you.", Kai says politely.

"Likewise.", I say before I hear the loud sound of someone running up the hall.

"Eraser! I've been looking all over for... Who is this?", Present Mic asks loudly.

"This is Inko-chan's son.", I say tiredness filling every fiber of my body now. Almost as if Hizashi is some sort of energy leech.

"Oh yeah. You told us something about little Inko having had a son.", He says while leaning on my shoulder and looking at a surprised Midoriya.

"You both knew my mother?!", Izuku asks very surprised.

POV Izuku

My mother knew Pro heroes and never told me? Is where my mind drifted before my mouth blerted out "You both knew my mother?!"

My question got a chuckle from Present Mic. "Of course we went to school with Inko in middle and highschool. But Inko was in the support course in highschool.", he said as if he was surprised that I didn't already know that.

"Sorry she never really told me about when she went to school. She always told me When you get older.", I told them while looking down.

"Ah probably to protect you since your quirkless right?", Present Mic said loudly. His words hit me like a block of Ice. Which to say was all at once and unforgiving.

Kai pulls me closer and into a hug I look down and realize that I started to cry.

"Sorry sorry! Did I say something wrong?!", Presnt Mic asked loudly.

I could feel Kai petting my head. Which helped me calm down.

"S..sorry I didn't mean to cry. It's just people have bullied me in the past for being quirkless.", I tell them hesitantly.

"It's okay little listener!", Mic said loudly.
"Didn't mean to scare you.", he said while looking sorry, and a little shaken up himself.
"Here how about You come with us and meet someone who was like a big sister to your mother.", Mic continued.

I look up at Kai wondering if he would mind coming with us.

He looked down at me before sighing. "Do you mind if I come along? I'm here with Izuku.", Kai asked while looking at the other two.

Mic smiled "Sure a friend of Midoriya's is a friend of mine.", he said while turning me towards the opposite way we where going.

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