A Long Ride

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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 12~~~~~~~~~~~~

POV Kachan POV

"That old hag sent Deku to sign me out!", I say to my self as I finally get to wear something other then a hospital gown. "That nerd didn't even bring me something to wear out of here so now I have to wear. Now I have to wear some of their scrubs home.", I tell Kirishima.

Kirishima looks at me confused as he was also getting ready to leave. "Who is Deku?", he asked.

"A creepy hero fan boy I went to school with whi thinks they are my friend.", I say a bad taste in my mouth from thinking about that nerd.

"Well only friends are willing enough to sign you out of the hospital when no one else can so maybe take it easy on the guy?", hair for brains said as if he knows anything about Deku.

I tsk as I start walking up front. When I spot Deku there is some guy with him. "What did you bring one of your John's here to pick me up from the hospital?", I sneer as I walk up to Deku.

Kirishima comes out of no where and jumps into the conversation saying, "Not cool Bakubro that's mean. Oh you must be Deku nice to meet you.", he said while smiling at the nerd.

"Oh my name is I...Izuku Midoriya. Deku is actually a name he calls me to make fun of me since I'm quirkless."

Upon hearing that Kirishima spun me around and grabbed me by the shoulders. "You know a quirkless person never met one before!", he said while a light shined in his eyes. "That's so cool! Does he really have a extra joint in his foot?!",

"I don't know.", I answer while I shrug him off of me.

"Oh you must be Kacchan's friend. Nice to meet you. This is Kai he frequents the place I work at.", Izuku says.

"So he is a John why would you have him drive you to pick me up?!", I yell.

"H..he isn't a John I..I'm not like that Kacchan.", Izuku said while looking like he was about to cry.

Deku bows slightly to Kirishima as I push past him and his customer. "It was nice to meet you but we better get Kacchan back to his house."

When we get out to the car I get in the back passenger side before The nerd slides into the passenger side front seat. That guy Kai gets into the front driver's seat and starts the car. I have to admit that it's a nice expensive shiny black car the interior is leather. With tented windows so we can see out but no one is able to see in.

Deku is chattering about something I don't really know what while Kai comments every now and then about what ever they are talking about.

The guy gives off this don't fuck with me vibe that is very off putting and irritating. But Deku doesn't seem to mind one bit. Luckily for me we get to my place very quickly.

After I get out of the car I can feel his eyes on me as I walk into my place. It's extremely creepy.


"Thanks for driving us Chisaki.", I say as I'm about to get out of the car he grabs my hand.

"Here let me drive you home too.", Chisaki says while still holding my hand.

I smile at him. "Thanks but I'm not sure I should go make sure Kacchan got in safely."

"Alright but once you get done come back and I'll take you back to your home too.", Chisaki said while giving me a small smile.

"Okay if you say so.", I say while giving him a small smile.

I start walking to Kacchan's door. Once I reach it I knock on the door.


POV Chisaki POV


"Boss I think you should try to talk and get closer to the quirkless Izuku instead of trying to kidnap him.", Hari said while I was trying to plan out another way to get Izuku.

I sigh I know he is right. He is one of the few people I know with experiences with healthy relationships.

"How would I woo him then Hari?", I ask while putting my full attention on him.

"Try to become someone he can rely on and trust. Listen to things he wants and try to get them for him.", said Cronosasus.

~~end flashback~~

I hear the door open and someone climbs into the car before closing the door. I look over and it's my sweet Izuku. He looks a little sad. I turn to him "Are you okay Izuku?", I ask softly before cupping his cheek which caused him to flinch. He looks over at me and I see burn marks on his cheek.

"Did that kid do this to you?", I ask while tilting his head so I can the injury better.

He looks away. "No it's my fault I made him angry and I know that Kacchan has a bad temper.", he says before giving me a smile.

"That is no reason for him to mame a beautiful face like yours.", I say before removing my glove slowly. "Here let me fix the burn so you don't have to go to the hospital again today."

He looks confused before nodding his head "Okay Kai."

I feel warmth feel my chest at that soft sweet voice saying my name.

I place my hand on the burn softly and carefully before activating my quirk causing the blistered skin to stitch back to normal. Then I take a handkerchief and cleaned off the dark smudges off of his cheek. "There you go it's all better now Izuku.", I say softly.

He opens up his beautiful green eyes and I finally noticed how close our faces are together. Apparently he noticed too because he started to blush brightly and stutter as he said, "Th...thank you Kai. He then slid his hand up his cheek where the burn was. His eyes sparkling with what I assume is wonder or amazement.

I smile at him softly from behind my surgical mask.

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