Next Day

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 28~~~~~~~~~~~

UA Class 1-A
POV Bakugo

What the hell is wrong with these extras?! Ever since Izuku came to give me that message they've been asking me if I was a bully. It was that damn nerd's fault for saying those things to me! If he wouldn't have told me those thing I wouldn't have blown him up. What was up with that guy he was with? Trying to take me on like that. Doesn't he know who I am? Why does that loser think he could take me on like that?

The bell rang for class change but as Present Mic was about to leave he turned around. "Hey Bakugo tell your mom kitten guy says Hi! She will know what I mean.", he said before closing the door behind him.

"Hey Bakugo your mom knows Present Mic?", Shitty hair said as he leaned on my shoulder.

"Get off of me you damn loser; and how am I supposed to know?!", I yelled while my explosions started up in my hand.

At that the others started to whisper to themselves.

"Think Bakugo would really...", was all I heard from that invisible girl before I let off a giant explosion before standing up. "If your going to say something say it to my face you extra wannabe.",

With that the door slams open to a very irritated looking Cementoss. "Sit down and take your seats it's time for Math."

We've never seen him like this before but maybe something happened at the teacher's meeting.

Teacher's Lounge
POV Aizawa

The meeting just finished up when Yamada walks in. "Eraser! Guess what I found out yesterday."

"What is it?", I ask while messaging my temples.

"Bakugo is the son of Mitsuki-chan. You remember the girl in support course don'tcha?", Mic said loudly.

A few of the others that went to UA when we did looked over to us. Looks of suprise on their faces. "Turns out she married a guy named Masaru Bakugo from the business course. Cool isn't it?", Mic added on like a after thought.

"They are?", I ask him.

I'm not going to tell him that I learned that while trying to dig up records about when Bakugo was in middle school. But what he doesn't know shouldn't kill him. Right?

"Yeah I can see her in him now that I know that they are related.", Mic said while thinking.

"Yeah I know what you mean.", Midnight said while walking up from behind Yamada. "Never thought she would ever get pinned down with a child. But I guess age gets to people. Even the most wild of them."

"Yeah I know you've gotten a lot claimer since you got out of highschool Midnight.", I tell her while looking at some papers.

"It's mainly due to that law about uniforms that we could wear though.", Mic said. "Can't believe they passed that law because of you Midnight."

"I couldn't believe I got away with it for as long as I did.", Midnight said while laughing.

Small Might entered the teacher's lounge with a wave and a smile. "What are you all talking about?", he asked when Midnight started to smile at him mischievously.

"Midnight's highschool hero costume.",I tell him while shaking my head.

"Come now it couldn't have been that bad now Aizawa.", he said with a smile.

"I assure you it was little more then mph!",Mic's hand went over my mouth faster then I could react.

"Oh I'll show him! I think I got a picture of it on my phone still..... Ah here it is!",Midnight said triumphantly before turning her phone to Yagi.

He nearly looked like he had a heart attack as he clutched his chest and coughed up blood.

"I thought we where talking about a hero costume.", he sputtered out.

"That was her hero costume.", Yamada, and I almost say synchronized.

"But that isn't much more the a trenchcoat and a thick utility belt!", Yagi argued.

"Oh we know nearly scared the hell out of on the roof while wearing that thing. While we where in highschool.", I tell him.

He looks horrified by the news.

"Nedzu allowed that?", He asked while wispering slightly.

"Yes he did, back then he didn't know much about clothing though.", Midnight said while smiling.

"Ah yes I remember.", Yagi said while looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Any way what happened during the meeting?", Yamada asked.

"We talked about Bakugo and the messures we will take to secure the school.", I tell him.

"Ah what are we going to do about Bakugo?", he asked while leaning on my shoulder.

"We will watch him closely and give him a warning.",I tell him while brushing off his arm. "It's all we can do until we have definative proof of his actions. Since his previous schools never recorded his prior indiscretions against others."

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