After School

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~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    ~~after school 3rd person pov~~

"What?!", Bakugo shouts loudly anger written on his face.

"I asked you have you ever bullied quirkless people?", Aizawa says while looking at a stack of papers in front of him.

"Someone had to put that hero wannabe in his place!", Bakugo fumes as he let's off small explosions in his hand.

Aizawa sighed. "Would you care to explain what that means?" Aizawa looked about ready to be done with Bakugo all together.

"That shitty Deku must be trying to get me kicked out of the hero course...", Bakugo fumed.

"No he said nothing to me about what you did to him. But his coworker did tell me about all his trips to the emergency room due to an explosion quirk that would burn the kid.", the teacher says while studying Bakugo.

"It never went far enough to leave any scars so what does it matter?", Bakugo asked not seeing the problem.

"If he where to sue you or take you to court and the find that you are guilty you would be removed from the hero course. Most likely no school would ever let you into their hero course.", as Aizawa says this Bakugo's eyes widened.

"That kid even told me to make sure you become the best hero that you can be.", Aizawa said while looking back to the papers. He then pats the large stack. "Do you know what these all are?", Aizawa asks while looking serious. Bakugo shook his head before looking at the stack. "These are all of the hospital records of the times Midoriya has been sent to the hospital.", he said as he patted the stack of papers. "You do realize that using your quirk with out a license is a federal crime? So is bringing harm to other to the extent they must be taken to the hospital." Bakugo froze as Aizawa says this. "But due to the fact that he wasn't the one to give your name nor did he after I had asked if you bullied him. So your off the hook but you should apologize to him for what you have done."

Bakugo started looking angry "Why should I apologize to that quirkless loser?! All he ever did was talk about how much he wanted to be a hero. Then he doesn't even take the exam for it."

Aizawa stood up and slammed his hand on the desk. "UA hero course exams where the same day as his mother's funeral. You would know that if you would listen to things other people say. In addition to that he got into the support course and into the general education course as well. But due to financial problems from having to pay for a funeral, medical bills, amoung other things he was unable to afford going to school here." with that Aizawa left the room. Leaving Bakugo alone with the stack of papers on the desk.

Once Aizawa was gone Bakugo looked at the papers on the desk with hate. As he looked at them again he noticed that they where indeed hospital records. They even had Izuku's name on them. He sat down and starts flipping through them. The first one was from when they where four years old. A hand shaped burn on his wrist. Bakugo remembered that he got frightened at first before his mind wondered off to how useful it would be when he becomes a hero. "What happened after that?", Bakugo asked himself. After a minute he was clutching his head. "We where in the woods going to look for bugs that happened.... what happened after that?!", Bakugo asked while starting to get frustrated with himself. "I don't remember seeing Deku after I accidentally used my quirk." He started to flip through the  papers some of the papers where from days he was absent from school. Broken bones, burns, those days he was absent looked to be something worse then the days he was at school that is until they got into middle school. The list of injuries stared to get worse and worse. Things that should leave scares. Then how did Izuku never have scares. Bakugo started to look at the doctor's names it was always the same doctor that would be on the papers. Must have some sort of healing quirk. Under treatments it sometimes says quirk healings. "Tsk So that loser couldn't even heal himself?", with his questions answered he started to leave the school. But as Bakugo stepped foot off of the campus more questions started to flood his mind. "When was the last time he even saw Izuku? What was that nerd doing now a days?" As questions kept popping into his head he didn't realize that his feet brought him to the ground floor of Izuku's apartment building. "Why am I even here?!", he asked himself. "K...Kacchan?", a tired sounding voice came from behind him. Bakugo whipped around to see Izuku dressed like a bartender. "Is you mom not going to make it to brunch on Saturday?", Izuku asked politely. "What are you even talking about you nerd?", Bakugo fumed before walking off.

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