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                  POV Aizawa POV

"Thank you for helping out Izuku.", the man named Kurogiri said while carrying the kid further in and to a cot in the back room.

"It's fine it's my job. Do you know the last name of the one that bullied Izuku?", I ask while remembering what Izuku said about the kid being in my class.

"His name is Bakugo Katsuki. I heard from Izuku he got into the hero course at UA.", Kurogiri said.

I sigh while rubbing my forehead I feel a headache forming. "That sounds like one of my students. Do you happen to know what his quirk is?"

Kurogiri's eyes flash with what I think must be anger. "Yes I am very aware of what his quirk is I've had to take Midoriya to the hospital many times due to the explosions it causes. No matter how many times he would release them on Midoriya he would never say anything to anyone. Apparently none of the teachers they have had would help Izuku. Thinking Midoriya just wanted attention due to his quirkless state, or thinking it was just a bit of rough housing.", Kurogiri started shaking his head. "One look at some of the damage done to Midoriya would show you that it wasn't just rough housing though. He has had come here seeking shelter as Katsuki and a band of others where chasing after him after he was accepted into UA."

"That kid goes to UA?", I say as I gestured towards the room Midoriya is resting in.

"Unfortunately no. His mother died and he was unable to afford the tuition for UA, not to mention his rent, food and travel expenses. So he had to settle on a cheap school near his home. Which is unfortunate because Izuku has a lot of knowledge about well lots of stuff second in his class in middle school."

"There are other hero schools closer to here.", I say not seeing the reason he didn't get into one of those.

"His sights where set for UA, and unfortunately his applications didn't get through the other schools top picks. None even bothered to explain why. But he obviously felt it was due to his quirkless nature.", the other man said.

I hear a thump come from the room where the boy is located. Before I tired sounding groan. Kurogiri opens the door to reveal Midoriya with his head in his hands his eyebrows furrowed together. "Hey kid? I have some questions to ask you. Think you can answer them?"

He let out a whining noise as he covered his ears and tightened his closed eyes trying to keep any light from coming into them. " head hurts. I remember going to take the garbage out then my body stopped responding."

"Did you drink anything?", I ask the obviously hurting teen.

"Nothing but water while I was at home.", the boy said.

"Alright did you know the person behind you when you where by the dumpster?", I ask while trying to figure out if it was a quirk or not.

He looked up worriedly "There was someone behind me?!", he was obviously now on edge as he quickly stood up almost making him face plant into the floor if it weren't for his elder colleague.

"Must have been some sort of quirk. Have someone walk you home from work today.", I say while looking at the kid. "I'm not going to be out tomorrow so watch your self."

"You mentioned before knowing one of my students. Bakugo Katsuki isn't that right?", I bring up knowing full well something said while under the influence will not stick even if it's the truth. But also my need to know if it was true what Kurogiri had said. At the mention of his name the teen shrunk in into himself. It was almost like this was a safe place where that name shouldn't be mentioned.

The boy nodded, "Y...yes sir." With that any presence this boy had disappeared.

"Do you mind telling me about what has happened between you both.", I ask not wanting to coax him into telling anything one way or another.

"Kacchan was my first and only friend my own age.", he said after a moment as if trying to not make a mistake.

"If there is anything else that you want to say just say it.", I say to Midoriya.

" that was all.", he stuttered out. Kurogiri looked disappointed with Izuku before the greenet lowered his head. "I know he is angry alot but please help him become the best hero he can be Eraserhead."

At the use of my hero name I was thrown off so much so that I almost missed the tear that hit the back of Midoriya's clenched up hand that was grabbing at his clothes.

I'll have to have a talk with Bakugo tomorrow at school.

~Next Day POV Aizawa POV~

"Damn it!", I say while while massaging my growing head ache "How could I have forgotten about her."

"Forgotten about who?", Midnight asks while leaning over my shoulder to look at my computer screen as I quickly click off of my web browser.

"Inko Midoriya.", I sighed as she started to smile and squeal.

"Aw. My baby Inko! Wait did you run into her or something?!", she asked excitedly.

"Yes well no I ran into her kid yesterday while on patrol.", I say while thinking about what Kurogiri had said.

"Oh I bet he has a quirk like his mom's!", she said excitedly. "We will have to find out where she lives now.", her voice holding all of her determination in it.

"No it's best we don't.", I say while thinking about that boy's safety.

"Oh why not?", Nemure said while pouting.

"Because her son is quirkless.", I say flatly trying to not mention how Inko has died.

"So? What about that?", she said. I could feel my headache growing.

"Because Inko is dead.", I say harsher and louder then I ment to as I slammed my hand against the desk.

Everyone in the room jumped before staring at me. They all seem to think I'm some heartless person but really I'm not. I think as I quickly walk out the door. I start to walk down the empty hallway. I feel bad for yelling, but I hate it when people die. At least she died helping people like she always wanted to. But that is no consultation out of everyone I know this the best. My second year here after all a terrible accident happened and HE lost his life. I don't think I ever fully copped with what happened that day. I feel water splatter on my hand. I quickly lift my hand and wipe my face after I realised my eyes started watering. Can't let Mic see me like this he would tell Nedzu.

I dry my face before making my way to my classroom. As I get to the hallway it's on I can already hear all of the chattering coming from the room. I sigh as I make my way to the door. As I was about to grab the handle it opens showing a smiling face of Kaminari.

"Oh sorry about that Aizawa.", He said before starting to ramble at me about why he was up.

I step aside before he starts running down the hallway towards the bathroom. His loud stomping run hitting out of time with my headache. Normally I would yell at him to stop running but today I just feel worn out even though the day has just started.

Once inside the classroom their chattering stops. I make my way to the poteum as I look for any missing students I see Bakugo. I clear my throat "Bakugo I must speak to you after school today.", I say as I mark Kaminari as tardy.

"Tsk. What ever.", he says obviously annoyed.

With that class officialy starts.

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