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Who missed me?? Well, I missed myself ❤️❤️


"Korede, look at how lean you've gotten! Did you not eat at the competition at all? Why do you look like a broomstick?"

That was the first thing mom said to me when I got home. She wouldn't stop looking at me as if she was seeing me for the first time, she wouldn't stop turning me around as if I was some sort of specimen to be studied.

In short, I've not been able to breathe properly since I stepped into the house.

"Mom, I was only gone for a week. I'm pretty sure I did not change at all."

"Keep quiet jhare. Have you looked in the mirror? Or are the girls you're dating fooling you?"

Oh God!

"Mom, I told you there are no girls. When are you going to relent on these girls thing?"

"Who are you fooling? Do you know how many times I've taken a sneak peak at your WhatsApp?"

"Mom!" I screamed, unable to believe my ears. She did what?

"Don't be so surprised," She completed before she turned back and she walked back into the main house.

Oh God! What kind of woman...

"Korede! Go and change oo. Your food will soon turn cold."

"Okay Ma," I yelled out after her before reaching out for my phone. I wanted to call Kunmi, to ask for her if she had gotten home.

"And don't think of calling any girl before coming downstairs."

Mom yelled again and I nearly drop my phone in shock.

God! Is this woman a seer or something?

Some minutes later, I was sitting directly opposite mom who wouldn't stop looking and smiling at me. That wasn't even what was odd, the odd thing was the amount of food she wanted me to eat. The dishes on the dinning table were legit overflowing with food, rice, plantain, chicken, sauces and everything edible. There was no way I was going to eat even 1% of the food she wanted me to eat.

"Mom, is this food meant for only me?" I asked again, for the umpteenth time since I started eating.

"Of course, don't you miss my food?"

"Definitely but there's no way in the world I'm going to finish all these," I replied, pointing the fork in my head to every single one of the carefully laid dishes in front of me.

"You have to, my friend! Look at you, look at all these holes in your body, look at your wrist," She reached over and she grabbed my wrist. It was an unconscious effort and the long sleeves on the top she wore hitched up at that moment, showing off the fresh reddish bruises on her wrist and forearm.

I've seen them almost everyday to know what it was.

My heart sank, tethered and it split into a thousand pieces.

It was only when I heard the loud sound of metal hitting against mental that I realized that I had slammed my fork on the dining table.

Mom, startled out of her wits looked up to me and when she saw that my eyes were fixed on her wrist, her eyes followed mine to her wrist and she was quick to cover her wrist again.

"Korede... I..." She stuttered and she started looking around. I knew the drill by now. She was looking for an innocent surface to blame again.

"Mom!" I began, feeling the onset of an headache and I started to massage my forehead. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The words were of my mouth before I could stop myself and from the expression on her face, her facial expression that had morphed into that of total shock and hurt.

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