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         Dedicated to I_am_Jazzy ♥️, she's a joy giver and her book, Shattered Heartstrings makes so much sense. It's one of my fav teen fictions and you guys should please check it out. You'll definitely love it ♥️♥️



We returned to Lagos the next morning and all through the night, my mind just kept replaying what I had seen or what I thought I saw. Kunle did not pick Aminah's call and he only called back when Sophia returned to the room which was almost an hour after Aminah and I got back to the room. I don't even know what to think. Aminah had finally given up and she had laid on the bed, her duvet covering her whole body. Her phone rang immediately Sophia entered, Ariana's voice filling the entire room and almost piercing my eardrums. I could tell that she must have turned the volume up to the highest.

"Babe, where were you? I've been calling since forever."

Was what she said before she slipped out through the door. I remained on my bed, mind still blank, still trying to process what I had seen downstairs. Could it have been an ordinary hug? And again, they must have been together all these while but doing what?

I had to blank out to force the images that started conjuring in my mind at that thought.

I was almost asleep when my phone vibrated beside me. I picked it up, swiped up to see a message from an unknown number. I frowned, wondering who could be the sender before I opened it.

Looks like you left and you ain't coming back. Good night and sweet dreams.

I stared at the screen for a very long time, knowing that it could only be one person.


Now, I was sitting back at the back of the car driving me home. Sophia was sitting beside me. She had hopped in for a ride immediately the driver arrived to pick me and I wondered why. I just wanted to be left alone, especially by Sophia. Everything about her was too confusing and weird. At first, she hated Aminah and she made no pretense of that fact, then she started pretending to like her, then now, did she really like her now or what? God ehn!

"I saw you yesterday night."

She stated plainly, jolting me out of my reverie and I looked away from the window to look at her.


She was sitting very close to the door, her legs crossed over each other, her arms wrapped around her chest. She was looking out of the window and I frowned.

She saw me?

"Why did you leave like that?"

Leave like what? Was I supposed to just join in the hug or whatever they were doing?

"Did you think I was doing something with Kunle? Maybe making out with him or something?"

My mouth dropped open and I had to consciously close it back. What the fuck?

She turned to look at me when I said nothing and she searched my eyes for something I did not know before she smiled, wistfully.

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