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I feel like I don't do this enough, at least for Perfectly Imperfect. If you're here, if you're reading this book, I can't start to tell you how much it means to me. I can't, I just can't. I love you guys and I appreciate you sticking by. This love, this energy 😩😩😩🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥


Craving things.

I've always craved drawing, painting, brush and pencil moving swiftly against a paper.

Right now, what I craved was something totally different.

The urge to go over to where Kunmi sat, conversing with Aminah in low tones, excuse her and just talk to her.


Because conversations with her always set me on a edge and it's always like a punch to my stomach.

I'm starting to feel the need to run away from conversing with her and yet, still feeling the need to talk to her.

Like running away from something and still feeling pulled back towards that particular thing.

It was a free period and there was a fervid excitement in the air, the excitement of the interhouse sport which was in two days time and the excitement of the mid term break which was immediately after that. To think other houses apart from Blue house still felt they had a chance of winning. Aminah falling down and hurting her ankle sorta solidified blue house winning.

Kunle and I sat two rows away from Sophia and three rows away from Kunmi and Aminah. Our row was right beside the wall, beside the window. I choose that side because I loved looking out of the window, especially when the class get too boring.

"You've been staring at that space for so long now. That space where Sophia, Aminah and Kunmi are."

I turned back to look at Kunle who was sitting right in front of me. He was looking at the girls and he turned back to look at me.

"It's hard to tell who you were staring at but I knew for sure that it wasn't my girlfriend."

He said with some sort of pride and my lips automatically twitched upwards.

"Pele, Girlfriend's boyfriend."

He only shrugged nonchallantly.

"It comes with a pride, man which brings us to the question, was it Sophia you were staring at or was it Kunmi?"

"Do you really like Aminah?" I asked instead, feeling the need to evade the question. If I should answer that question, knowing Kunle, he'd probe and probe and that'd lead me to coming to terms with some things. He frowned, probably wondering why I was evading the question before his lips stretched into a lopsided grin.

He folded his arms over his chest as he leaned backwards so that his back would meet the wall.

"I like her, a whole lot. You know, I've never really had a close female apart from Sophia and she's like my best best friend but with Aminah, it's different, she...." He trailed off and shrugged. "It's just different. I never thought I could feel this way for someone until her."

I never thought I could feel that way for someone until her.

I nodded, feeling the need to ask him if he was sure Aminah feels that way for him but it was going to be a pointless question anyway. It was really obvious that she she liked him, probably like him more than he likes her. Putting up with Sophia treating her like that was a prove.

Or not.

I pushed back whatever thought would have formed at the back of my mind if I had lingered more.

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