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Please read the author's note after the chapter.

Dedicated to mubbykee my tour partner ♥️♥️


If I thought Sophia disliked Aminah at the beginning, then it was just outright hatred that her cousin, Gabriella has for her. We've spent two days together in the same room and they've not uttered a word to each other, more like Gabriella hadn't uttered a word to Aminah. It's either Gab start reading something on her phone, use her earpiece or enter the toilet everytime Aminah try to include her in a conversation and she kept trying. It was annoying, really annoying, Aminah being that nice to someone that was outrightly downgrading her. I could relate to that though and I wondered why Gab doesn't like Aminah. Almost every body liked her, the teachers, the Juniors, our classmates. She was the sweet girl whom everybody doted on except Sophia, who I'm still starting to come up with a logical reason why she was now nice and friendly to Aminah. Even more friendlier to me when she used to outrightly ignore me. Thinking back now, she used to ignore me, she never actually hated on me or anything.

But then, could all these niceties be a plot? Was something sinister really going on?

It was early in the morning of the third day and we were travelling to Oyo town by 10pm and we were just getting ready. Gabriella was lying on the bed she shared with Sophia, an opened chemistry textbook in front of her, Aminah was sitting on our bed, a towel wrapped around her body, she was waiting for Sophia to finish bathing and she entered like 45 minutes ago.

"Sophia, please, are you giving birth in there?"

Sophia's reply was a loud hum in reply to Gabriella's words. Five more minutes passed before Aunty Sophia finally stepped out, white towel wrapped around her body and the water on her body glistening from the morning sun streaking in from the opened windows.

"Remind us to only allow you be the last person to bath if we get together again like this."

Aminah said as she pushed herself off the bed and she walked into the bathroom.

"I did not even stay that long because of you."

"Pele, you should have spent like 5 hours there."

"Nothing I've not done before."

What? She has spent up to five hours before in the bathroom? What's she washing?

"I'm washing this body if that's what you were wondering."

She was directly in front of me and she gestured to her body while I scrunched my face.

"This glorious body."

She said again before she danced off to their bed that was directly beside ours. Gab, obviously used to this side of Sophia that I still couldn't get used to only shook her head at her.

She sat down, her back to Gab who was still reading her textbook and her face to me.

"Gabriella, please stop reading. You're making me angry. This is meant to be an excursion and you're supposed to have fun, not bury your head inside boring textbooks."

"Exams start immediately we get back to Lagos."

"And so? You're still going to pass even without reading."

"Woo, just leave me alone and let me concentrate."

Sophia looked back at those words, her face scrunching together in disgust and she turned back and she saw me looking at them, she twirled one of her fingers in front of her ear.

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