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Dedicated to Ife_bohdey, thanks for the beautiful cover in the media 😘😘😘

A special dedication and shout-out to lovetori_xo, a writer who I admire  from the deepest part of my heart, keep shining, keep growing, keep evolving❤️❤️❤ This update is for you.


Aminah was smiling at me, with her arms folded right on her chest.

Something rattled in my chest. Tension. Anxiety. Paralyzing fear.

I blinked, blinked repeatedly but she was still standing in front of me, arms folded right across her chest, eyes blank and eerie, and that smile still on her face.

The hairs at the back of my neck stood up.

If anything... I thought... I was thinking that she'd at least feel guilty about everything but seeking me out and smiling to my face just reconfirmed everything I already know.

"Kunmi," She called out again, her voice almost hesitant and when I angrily swiped away the tears in my eyes, I got a clearer look at her.

She wasn't smiling.

She was anything. She just stood there, right in front of me and looking nothing like the girl I was used to. Her whole face looked sunken, especially her cheeks, and her eyes looked too hollow as if she has been doing a whole lot of crying these past days.

I wasn't even sure if she had been smiling before or if it was just my eyes playing jokes on me or maybe I just starting to hallucinate and see things.

"Kunmi..." She called out again, her voice more hesitant than earlier and I stood up.

I wasn't going to stay... What was even going to do by staying? Why was she even here?

"I... I'm... I just..." She was stammering pathetically but that wasn't even getting to me. I simply did not understand what she was doing here. Why she was talking to me? I already knew everything was a lie, that she never liked me so I did not understand why she was trying to talk to me.

Was she here to rub more salt on my wounds?

I ignored her, started to walk away only to stop abruptly.

Because Aminah had suddenly grabbed me by my wrist.

I looked up at where she had grabbed my wrist, looked up at her face, at her eyes now simmering with tears and she let go of my hands immediately as if scalded by a hot iron.

She even took two, almost protective steps backward as if she was trying to defend herself against something.

My eyes narrowed automatically at that.

"Ijustcameheretoapologize." She said all in one breath and my heart stopped again for the millionth time.

She came to apologize??

She came to apologize???

She came to apologize????

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