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Hey guys. Sorry, I couldn't update yesterday, was busy with some things ❤️❤️

I shiver, thinking of how easy it is to be wrong about people, to see one tiny part of them and confuse it for the whole, to see the cause and think it's the effect or vice versa.

Lauren Oliver


I've been freezing and unfreezing.

I could feel my whole body getting drained of its energy,  slowly, slowly, slowly as if something was sucking the life out of me.

I felt like I had been plunged into the deepest piece of shit.

As if I had just... I shuddered... I couldn't believe what had happened or what was happening.

This was simply unbelievable.

I thought I knew everything. I thought I had Aminah all figured out but this? I did not see this coming at all.

I did not see this coming at all!

I did not know it was this bad, this horrible... This unspeakable.

I knew Aminah was bad, that Aminah was manipulative but I just did not know how bad, how manipulative.

I knew she did most things to hurt me, threw her relationship with Kunle right into my face in the guise of being the sweetest human being ever.

I thought I knew her... That I had her figured out... That I just had to play her game for her till we were done with school but I just did not know...

he idea of anything. I knew nothing.

She did what to who?

She used what to get closer to who?

Manipulated Kunle into thinking he's in love with her?

Because of me? Because of me? Because she felt I was too proud and stuck up?

I've always known she did not like me, that she'd give anything to see me miserable like she was always doing but not at the expense of Kunle, not by stringing Kunle along, not by weaving that kind of terrible life around him.

I thought at least that she loved him, that she could give him all the love and attention and care he had always needed. That was the only reason why I acted blind, why I pretended not to know anything, why I pretended to be stoic and blank even though it was hurting too much, so much.

But it was all a lie.

It was a terrible, terrible facade.

The noises my classmates were making weren't helping matters.

Suddenly, everyone seemed to have something terrible to say about Aminah. Someone was suddenly remembering how Aminah had snubbed them, or she had made them feel invisible, how she had done this, how she had done that.

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