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Dedicated to MzzHikmah01, your unwavering support is mind-blowing. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm here, guys ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you all for your messages during my mini hiatus, they really mean a lot. My last exam got postponed because of Eid break so I'll be done with my finals on Monday.

It's sad and bizarre, how little we know of things and people we see everyday.


I was still thinking about Kunle's outburst.

I was actually overthinking to the point that I could feel the onset of a terrible headache.

Kunle's outburst. I've never seen him that livid, that... Angry.

The way Kunle had looked at me before he finally left the studio. I still couldn't wrap my head around it.

I couldn't even start to imagine the magnitude of what made him lose his cool at that. And it was even towards Sophia. That was the second time he'd get angry at her and the two times were because of Aminah.


What could she possibly have done... What could Sophia be hiding about her that was that huge for Kunle to just...

Completely lose his mind.

And Sophia did not even say nothing. After he left, she just sat there, frozen and eyes wide open as if the least expected thing had happened.

Maybe the least expected thing was Kunle finding out the thing he found out but what exactly?

I was done overthinking. I wanted to stop overthinking but I just couldn't stop thinking of all possible things that could have been happening all these while.

Loud whispers, muffled voices, a controlled angry voice.

I did not sit up immediately because I thought I was imagining things. Dad wasn't even at home.

My hands fumbled around my drawing pencils that were lying on my desk and I started to add finishing touches to what I was sketching in my sketch pad. I couldn't even make a sense out of what I was drawing. My hand just kept moving out of its own volition.

"You shouldn't..."

Whatever mom was going to say was interrupted by the sound of glass breaking against the wall followed by a loud yell, a yelp from someone, in mom's voice.

I was up and racing down the stairs before I could even realise what I was doing.

The sight I saw in the living room tore my heart to pieces.

My steps faltered as I neared the last stair. Mom was standing against the left wall of the sitting room, the one adjacent the stairs so she was the first person I saw. She was just standing against the wall, her hands cradling the left side of her side and when I peered closer, I could see the blood that was dropping from her face to the floor, to the floor where there were pieces of broken glass. Thousands of them.

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