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Song for the chapter : Perfectly Imperfect by Ada.


It was Aminah parent's anniversary and I was supposed to be dressing up for the party but I just couldn't bring myself to stand up from my bed and get dressed. Aminah had sent their address immediately after our conversation on Thursday and she had even sent a reminder this morning.

But now, I don't even know what I was feeling about attending the party again. Mom had gone to an owanbe, Dad was on one of his numerous business trips, my younger brother was getting tutored downstairs in our balcony and I could hear the teacher explaining BODMAS to him and Mayowa was gone, she had traveled. Our parting wasn't like that of original sisters. I only followed them to the airport out of courtesy and our hug was just there; it didn't look like a hug between sisters who wouldn't see each other any time soon.

My bedside wall chimed 3pm and I knew I had to really start getting ready if I was going to attend the anniversary.

Attend the party oo. Attend it and go and disgrace yourself.

I sat up on my bed and grabbed my head with both hands. No, No, Nooo. Not today. I can't listen to this voice today.

I stood up from my bed and walked to my closest, briefly glancing through it and looking for a gown to wear. Something...

There's no clothe you'll wear that will cover your flaws. Just stay back and avoid embarrassing yourself.

I shook my head vehemently at that voice. I'm going to attend this party. I can't disappoint Aminah like that. She's been nothing but friendly towards me. The least I could do was to honor her invitation.

With that in mind, I picked a short pink gown and stripped myself of the bumshort and crop top I wore and I entered the bathroom to take a shower.

But do you really know what you're doing? You really want to attend a party.

A party? It's like you're just putting yourself out there for people to make fun of you.

I ignored all the voices in my head as I scrubbed myself clean of sweat and dirt. When I entered my room again, my phone chimed and the screen lit up. It was a message from Aminah.

Babe, hope you're already coming?

I wanted to type a reply but her my fingers were wet and I kept messing the letters up. In the long run, I gave up and went to my mirror to dress up.

Kunmi, you're really going? And what will you do there? It's a party for crying loud sake! There's nothing for you to do there.

I wore the gown and sat in front of the mirror to apply the little makeup I know how to.

But wait, how exactly are you going to act there? Dance or will you just sit around in a party and allow people to know how boring you are?

Just stay at home.

You're going to feel left out there anyway.

Who knows if Aminah invited you by mistake?

Stay at home.




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