Chapter 13

291 13 1

In a cave of the Forbidden Forest
Y/n got changed into proper clothes and quickly went the mirror and waved his hand at it. The reflection contained within of him changed to house and a woman who looked startled to see him.

“Y/n? What happened,” asked the woman. She could see from his face that he was in trouble.

“They found out. I had no choice today. Death Eaters attacked and they were going to kill Joohyun and Seulgi. I changed and attacked them. I thought I had things covered but somehow they found out”, said Y/n exasperatedly.

Just then, a whooshing sound resounded from behind, and Y/n turned to find Headmistress Seo Hyun Jin, Professor Kim Taeyeon, Taehyung and Joohyun staring at him.

“Impossible!,” yelled Y/n.

How had they found him?

“I didn’t know it was you at first, but after seeing you produce wandless magic, that’s when I knew you were the one wandering in the Forbidden Forest,” explained Professor Taeyeon.

Forbidden Forest , one week ago
Professor Kim Taeyeon watched from the thick bushes she was hiding in as the masked figure she had been following reappeared from the cave and set out on some unknown destination. She had first noticed him several days ago by chance when she was out in the forest to retrieve some herbs.
Since then, she had tracked the figure to the cave and now she had her chance. The Headmistress and Deputy Headmistress had been very apprehensive on her going in alone but she had argued that the more people there were tailing him, the higher the risk of discovery. As a concession, she agreed to take an enchanted locket that would alert them if she was in danger. She also cast spells to remove any smell emanating from her before she left.

Waiting for a few minutes, Taeyeon made her way to the cave and entered, descending down the cave with her wand providing illumination using the Lumos spell. She found workbenches and lots of books and notes.

Going to one of the tables, she looked at one of the notes and started reading. Her eyes widened at what she saw.

This mysterious man had been documenting his experiments using wandless magic. No man had been able to do so since the time of ancient magic casters!

Her eyes caught something else on the table and she turned to find a tome with a very familiar title, one written by an old friend.

Tome of the Beast.

Why did the masked figure have an obscure book such as this? Only a handful of copies were ever made as it was considered rubbish by most.

She left the cave to report her findings to both the Headmistress and Deputy Headmistress.

She didn’t know what this man was trying to achieve, but they had to be prepared for anything.

“So you followed me. I guess I wasn’t as careful as I thought I was,” said Y/n before turning back slightly to his guardian in the mirror. “I’m sorry Yu Mi.”

He stretched out his left hand and created a portal, a similar one appearing in the mirror where his guardian was, giving no illusions as to where he was headed. However, before he could step through it, a voice called out to him.

“Y/n wait! Don’t go. Please. Come back and let’s talk about this,” pleaded Joohyun.

“I’m sorry Joohyun. I can’t. No one was supposed to know what I am. Now that you all do, I have to leave,” said Y/n.

“Y/n. Come back to Hogwarts and lets talk about this. We’re not going to hurt you, that was never the plan,” said Professor Taeyeon.

“And what was your plan Professor? Hand me over to the Ministry to be chained for study? Yes, what accolades you would receive for discovering an original Werewolf. Or perhaps to be put in a zoo?” asked Y/n mockingly.

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